Portobello Duke Of York Avenue Warren Ave (stop)

On Duke of York Avenue, near Opp Warren Avenue

Buses point west ←

105 Rutland Ave Clifford Avenue
1025 - YY14 LGV
105 Rutland Ave Clifford Avenue 10:37
105 Rutland Ave Clifford Avenue 11:07
105 Rutland Ave Clifford Avenue 11:37
105 Rutland Ave Clifford Avenue 12:07
105 Rutland Ave Clifford Avenue 12:37
105 Rutland Ave Clifford Avenue 13:07
105 Rutland Ave Clifford Avenue 13:37
105 Rutland Ave Clifford Avenue 14:07
105 Rutland Ave Clifford Avenue 14:37
105 Rutland Ave Clifford Avenue 15:07
105 Rutland Ave Clifford Avenue 15:37

Later ↓

Nearby stops
