M2 - Anwick Moy Park Factory - Tower Estate Crofton Road

A bus service operated by Stagecoach East Midlands

Anwick Moy Park Factory - Tower Estate Crofton Road

Anwick, adj Moy Park Factory 06:0015:5518:1523:5502:15
Ruskington Speedway Corner (Northbound) 06:0415:5718:1923:5702:18
Ruskington, opp George Adams Factory 06:0515:5818:2023:5802:19
Ruskington, adj Garden Of Remembrance 06:0615:5918:2123:5802:19
Ruskington, opp Manor Street 06:0816:0118:2323:5902:20
Dorrington, opp Musicians' Arms PH 06:1016:0318:2500:0102:22
Digby, opp The Pinfold 06:1116:0418:2600:0302:24
Scopwick, opp Royal Oak PH 06:1416:0718:2900:0702:28
Blankney, adj Golf Club Entrance 06:1616:0918:3100:0902:30
Metheringham, opp Princes Street 06:1716:1018:3200:1002:31
Dunston, opp Lincoln Road 06:1916:1218:3400:1202:33
Nocton Estate (adj) 06:2516:1818:4000:1402:39
Nocton, opp Wellhead Lane 06:2716:2018:4200:1602:40
Branston, o/s 99 Sleaford Road 06:3016:2318:4500:2002:43
Branston, opp Station Road 06:3016:2318:4500:2102:43
Branston Hall (o/s) 06:3116:2418:4600:2202:44
Branston, adj Park View Avenue 06:3116:2418:4600:2202:44
Branston, adj Woodview Nursing Home 06:3116:2418:4600:2302:44
Branston, opp Ashfield Cottage Farm 06:3216:2518:4700:2302:44
Bracebridge Heath, adj Main Avenue 06:3516:2818:5000:2802:47
Bracebridge Heath, adj Library 06:3616:2918:5100:2802:47
Bracebridge Heath, opp Canwick Avenue 06:3716:3018:5200:2902:47
Bracebridge Heath, adj Coningsby Crescent 06:3816:3118:5300:2902:48
St Catherine’s, adj Priory Acadamy LSST 06:4016:3318:5500:3002:49
St Catherine’s, opp South Common 06:4116:3418:5600:3002:51
Lincoln, opp Queens Park School 06:4216:3518:5700:3002:51
Lincoln, adj Ripon Street 06:4416:3718:5900:3102:53
Lincoln, opp St Swithins's Church 06:4616:3919:0100:3202:54
Lincoln, adj College Of Art 06:4816:4119:0300:3302:55
Lincoln, adj Cheviot Street 06:4916:4219:0400:3302:56
Lincoln, adj Arboretum 06:5116:4419:0600:3402:57
Lincoln, adj Clarina Street 06:5116:4419:0600:3402:57
Lincoln, adj Laceby Street 06:5116:4419:0600:3402:57
Lincoln, opp Hartley Street 06:5216:4519:0700:3502:58
Lincoln, adj Jellicoe Avenue 06:5216:4519:0700:3502:58
Tower Estate, opp Crofton Road 06:5316:4619:0800:3602:59

Tower Estate Crofton Road - Anwick Moy Park Factory

Tower Estate, adj Crofton Road 02:2804:4514:1016:1522:5104:45
Lincoln, opp Jellicoe Avenue 02:2904:4614:1116:1722:5204:46
Lincoln, adj Hartley Street 02:2904:4614:1116:1722:5204:46
Lincoln, opp Clarina Street 02:3004:4714:1216:1822:5304:47
Lincoln, opp Arboretum 02:3004:4714:1216:1822:5304:47
Lincoln, opp Cheviot Street 02:3204:4914:1516:2322:5504:49
Lincoln, adj Telephone Exchange 02:3504:5214:1916:3022:5804:52
Lincoln, opp Ripon Street 02:3804:5514:2216:3523:0104:55
Lincoln, o/s Queens Park School 02:4405:0114:2816:4323:0705:01
St Catherine’s, adj South Common 02:4505:0214:2916:4523:0805:02
St Catherine’s, opp Priory Acadamy LSST 02:4505:0214:2916:4623:0805:02
Bracebridge Heath, opp Coningsby Crescent 02:4605:0314:3016:4823:0905:03
Bracebridge Heath, adj Canwick Avenue 02:4605:0314:3016:4923:0905:03
Bracebridge Heath, opp Library 02:4705:0414:3116:5023:1005:04
Bracebridge Heath, opp Main Avenue 02:4705:0414:3116:5123:1005:04
Branston, adj Ashfield Cottage Farm 02:4805:0514:3316:5623:1105:05
Branston, opp Woodview Nursing Home 02:4905:0614:3316:5723:1205:06
Branston, opp Park View Avenue 02:4905:0614:3316:5723:1205:06
Branston Hall (opp) 02:4905:0614:3416:5823:1205:06
Branston, adj Station Road 02:4905:0614:3416:5923:1205:06
Nocton, adj Wellhead Lane 02:5005:0714:3617:0423:1305:07
Nocton Estate (adj) 02:5105:0814:3717:0623:1405:08
Dunston, adj Lincoln Road 03:0505:2214:4117:1623:2805:22
Metheringham, adj Princes Street 03:0605:2314:4217:1823:2905:23
Blankney, opp Golf Club Entrance 03:0605:2314:4217:1823:2905:23
Scopwick, o/s Royal Oak PH 03:0705:2414:4317:2023:3005:24
Digby, adj The Pinfold 03:0905:2614:4517:2323:3205:26
Dorrington, adj Musicians' Arms PH 03:1005:2714:4617:2523:3205:26
Ruskington, adj Chapel Street 03:1105:2814:4717:2723:3405:28
Ruskington, adj George Adams Factory 03:1205:2914:4817:2823:3505:29
Anwick, adj Moy Park Factory 03:1705:3415:0317:3623:4005:34

Timetable data from Stagecoach East Midlands,

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