Vehicle edits
T99 - LJ59 LYY • 1 month, 3 weeks ago • 4618
operator from Bear Buses to Arriva London
Won't track under this ID
T99 - LJ59 LYY • 1 month, 3 weeks ago • 4547
removed from list
Can this be removed it was only on loan for a short period and has gone back.
Approved by user 408
T99 - LJ59 LYY • 2 months ago • 8427: .englandlondonsits
operator from Arriva London to Bear Buses
added to list
Now owned by Bear Buses / Seen at Leatherhead running SWR rail replacement services.
T99 - LJ59 LYY • 10 months, 3 weeks ago • 3392
removed from list
Withdrawn early, 157 is transferring over to Go Ahead in two weeks so a KX61 E400 is on Loan on Norwood Bus Garage to cover for this being withdrawn