739H - Masham Market Place to Nidderdale High School

Registration number
School or Works
Supported by subsidy?
In Part
North Yorkshire County Council

Variation history

    • Received 24 Dec 19
    • Effective 31 Dec 19
    • Cancelled
    • Short notice


    Operating between Masham Market Place and Nidderdale High School given service number 739H / effective from 31 December 2019.

    • Received 21 Feb 17
    • Effective 1 Mar 17
    • Registered
    • Short notice

    Monday to Friday
    Mornings and afternoons
    School term only

    From: Masham Market Place
    To: Nidderdale High School
    Name or No.: 739H
    Service type: School or Works
    Effective date: 01 March 2017
    Other details: Monday to Friday
    Mornings and afternoons
    School term only

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