907 - Hall Road Opp to Stanway Secondary School, Opp via Stanway Secondary School, Westbergholt Armoury Road, Westbergholt The Queens Head, Westbergholt Hall Road

Registration number
Limited Stop
Supported by subsidy?
Essex County Council
Essex County Council

Variation history

    • Received 13 Jun 24
    • Effective 28 Jul 24
    • Registered

    schools days only - mon to fri

    From: Hall Road Opp
    To: Stanway Secondary School, Opp
    Via: Stanway Secondary School, Westbergholt Armoury Road, Westbergholt The Queens Head, Westbergholt Hall Road
    Name or No.: 907
    Service type: Limited Stop
    Effective date: 28 July 2024
    Other details: schools days only - mon to fri

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