5690 - Worplesdon to Kingfield Green

Registration number
Normal Stopping
School or Works
Supported by subsidy?
Surrey County Council
Surrey County Council

Variation history

    • Received 26 Jul 22
    • Effective 28 Aug 22
    • Cancelled
    • Short notice


    Operating between Worplesdon and Kingfield Green given service number 5690 / 690 effective from 28 August 2022.

    • Received 30 Jul 21
    • Effective 29 Aug 21
    • End 31 Dec 21
    • Expired
    • Short notice

    Variation to change the service type from School/Works to Normal Stopping

    Operating between Worplesdon and Kingfield Green given service number 5690 / 690 effective from 29 August 2021. To amend Timetable.

    • Received 26 Aug 20
    • Effective 30 Aug 20
    • Registered
    • Short notice

    Corona virus recovery plan.

    This schooldays only service will be reintroduced but will be re-designated as a Schools/Works service.

    Operating between Worplesdon and Kingfield Green given service number 5690 / 690 effective from 30 August 2020. To amend Timetable.

    • Received 26 Mar 20
    • Effective 30 Mar 20
    • End 31 Aug 20
    • Expired
    • Short notice

    temporary suspension of service due to corona virus

    Operating between Worplesdon and Kingfield Green given service number 5690 / 690 effective from 30 March 2020. To amend Timetable.

    • Received 23 Nov 17
    • Effective 1 Jan 18
    • Registered
    • Short notice

    Revised times to improve punctuality

    Operating between Worplesdon and Kingfield Green given service number 5690 / 690 effective from 01 January 2018. To amend Timetable.

    • Received 6 Jul 17
    • Effective 4 Sep 17
    • Registered

    Schooldays-only service operating under contract to Surrey CC

    From: Worplesdon
    To: Kingfield Green
    Name or No.: 5690 / 690
    Service type: Normal Stopping
    Effective date: 04 September 2017
    Other details: Schooldays-only service operating under contract to Surrey CC

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