177 - Gillingham - Walderslade

A bus service operated by Arriva Kent and Surrey

Gillingham to Walderslade

Gillingham, opp Plantation Road then every 30 minutes until19:1020:1021:1022:10
Gillingham, opp Hewitt Close 19:1120:1121:1122:11
Gillingham, opp King Edward Road 19:1220:1221:1222:12
Gillingham, adj Castlemaine Avenue 19:1220:1221:1222:12
Gillingham, adj Elm Road 19:1320:1321:1322:13
Gillingham Green (opp) 19:1420:1421:1422:14
Gillingham The Strand (NW-bound) 19:1520:1521:1522:15
Gillingham, adj Milner Road 19:1620:1621:1622:16
Gillingham, adj Nasir Mosque 19:1920:1921:1922:19
Gillingham, adj Burnt Oak Primary School 19:2020:2021:2022:20
Gillingham, adj Cross Street 19:2120:2121:2122:21
Gillingham James Street Top (Stop C) 19:2120:2121:2122:21
Gillingham St Mark's Church (Stop J) 19:2220:2221:2222:22
Gillingham, adj Copenhagen Road 19:2420:2421:2422:24
Gillingham The Westcourt Arms (S-bound) 19:2520:2521:2522:25
Gillingham, o/s Medway Maritime Hospital 19:2720:2721:2722:27
Gillingham, before Byron Road 19:2820:2821:2822:28
Gillingham Rock Avenue (S-bound) 19:2920:2921:2922:29
Chatham, opp Windmill Road 19:3120:3121:3122:31
Chatham, opp Institute Road 19:3320:3321:3322:33
Chatham, adj High Street Gala Bingo 19:3320:3321:3322:33
Chatham Railway Station (Stop B) 19:3620:3621:3622:36
Chatham Waterfront Bus Station (Stop A2) 07:0918:0918:3919:3920:3921:3922:39
Chatham, opp High Street Gala Bingo 07:1218:1218:4219:4320:4321:4322:43
Luton, opp Bank Street 07:1318:1318:4319:4420:4421:4422:44
Luton, opp Castle Road 07:1518:1518:4419:4620:4621:4622:46
Luton, opp Albany Road 07:1618:1618:4519:4720:4721:4722:47
Luton Junior School (opp) 07:1618:1618:4519:4820:4821:4822:48
Upper Luton Road (adj) 07:1718:1718:4619:4920:4921:4922:49
Luton, adj Hen and Chickens 07:1718:1718:4619:4920:4921:4922:49
Wayfield, adj Mill Lane 07:1818:1818:4719:5020:5021:5022:50
Wayfield Street End Road (SW-bound) 07:1918:1918:4819:5120:5121:5122:51
Wayfield, adj Spar 07:2018:2018:4919:5220:5221:5222:52
Wayfield, opp Barnfield 07:2018:2018:4919:5220:5221:5222:52
Wayfield, adj Stalin Avenue 07:2118:2118:5019:5320:5321:5322:53
Wayfield, adj Tedder Avenue 07:2118:2118:5019:5320:5321:5322:53
Wayfield, adj Shops 07:2218:2218:5119:5420:5421:5422:54
Wayfield, opp Cherbourg Crescent 07:2318:2318:5219:5520:5521:5522:55
Wayfield Burma Way Bottom (SW-bound) 07:2418:2418:5319:5620:5621:5622:56
Wayfield, adj Tobruk Way 07:2518:2518:5319:5620:5621:5622:56
Walderslade, o/s Poachers Pocket 07:2618:2618:5419:5720:5721:5722:57
Walderslade, opp Barrington Close 07:2718:2718:5519:5820:5821:5822:58
Walderslade, adj Oaklands School 07:2818:2818:5619:5920:5921:5922:59
Weeds Wood Road (W-bound) 07:2918:2918:5619:5920:5921:5922:59
Weeds Wood Sorrell Road (W-bound) 07:3018:3018:5720:0021:0022:0023:00
Weeds Wood, opp Pimpernel Way 07:3018:3018:5720:0021:0022:0023:00
Weeds Wood, opp Larkspur Road 07:3118:3118:5820:0121:0122:0123:01
Weeds Wood, adj York Avenue 07:3118:3118:5820:0121:0122:0123:01
Weeds Wood, adj Amanda Close 07:3218:3218:5820:0121:0122:0123:01
Walderslade, before Victoria Road 07:3218:3218:5920:0221:0222:0223:02
Walderslade, adj Longhurst Drive 07:3318:3319:0020:0321:0322:0323:03
Walderslade, opp Foresters Close 07:3418:3419:0020:0321:0322:0323:03
Walderslade, adj Village Centre 07:3618:3619:0220:0521:0522:0523:05
Walderslade Tunbury Avenue (SE-bound) 19:0420:0721:0722:0723:07
Walderslade, opp Catkin Close 19:0420:0721:0722:0723:07
Walderslade, adj Oaks Dene 19:0520:0821:0822:0823:08
Walderslade, adj Podkin Wood 19:0620:0921:0922:0923:09
Walderslade, opp Spenlow Drive 19:0620:0921:0922:0923:09
Walderslade, opp Galena Close 19:0620:0921:0922:0923:09
Walderslade, opp Celestine Close 19:0720:1021:1022:1023:10
Walderslade, opp Alexandra Hospital 19:0720:1021:1022:1023:10

Walderslade to Gillingham

Walderslade, opp Alexandra Hospital then every 30 minutes until19:1220:1221:1222:12
Walderslade, opp Oaks Dene 19:1420:1421:1422:14
Walderslade, adj Catkin Close 19:1520:1521:1522:15
Walderslade Tunbury Avenue (NW-bound) 19:1520:1521:1522:15
Walderslade, adj Village Centre 07:2418:5419:1720:1721:1722:17
Walderslade, opp Longhurst Drive 07:2618:5619:1920:1921:1922:19
Walderslade, after Victoria Road 07:2718:5719:2020:2021:2022:20
Weeds Wood, opp Amanda Close 07:2718:5719:2020:2021:2022:20
Weeds Wood, opp York Avenue 07:2818:5819:2120:2121:2122:21
Weeds Wood, adj Larkspur Road 07:2818:5819:2120:2121:2122:21
Weeds Wood, adj Pimpernel Way 07:2918:5919:2220:2221:2222:22
Weeds Wood Sorrell Road (E-bound) 07:3019:0019:2320:2321:2322:23
Weeds Wood Road (E-bound) 07:3019:0019:2320:2321:2322:23
Walderslade, adj Weeds Wood Road junction 07:3119:0119:2420:2421:2422:24
Walderslade, opp Poachers Pocket 07:3319:0319:2520:2521:2522:25
Wayfield, opp Tobruk Way 07:3419:0419:2620:2621:2622:26
Wayfield Burma Way Bottom (NW-bound) 07:3419:0419:2620:2621:2622:26
Wayfield, adj Cherbourg Crescent 07:3619:0619:2720:2721:2722:27
Wayfield, opp Shops 07:3719:0719:2820:2821:2822:28
Wayfield, opp Tedder Avenue 07:3819:0819:2820:2821:2822:28
Wayfield, opp Stalin Avenue 07:3819:0819:2920:2921:2922:29
Wayfield, opp Spar 07:3919:0919:3020:3021:3022:30
Wayfield Street End Road (NE-bound) 07:4019:1019:3020:3021:3022:30
Wayfield, opp Mill Lane 07:4119:1119:3120:3121:3122:31
Luton, opp Hen and Chickens 07:4319:1319:3220:3221:3222:32
Upper Luton Road (opp) 07:4419:1419:3220:3221:3222:32
Luton Junior School (adj) 07:4419:1419:3320:3321:3322:33
Luton, adj Albany Road 07:4519:1519:3320:3321:3322:33
Luton, adj Castle Road 07:4719:1719:3420:3421:3422:34
Luton, adj Bank Street 07:4819:1819:3520:3521:3522:35
Chatham, opp Institute Road 07:4919:1919:3620:3621:3622:36
Chatham, adj High Street Gala Bingo 07:5019:2019:3620:3621:3622:36
Chatham Waterfront Bus Station (Stop B10) 07:5319:2319:3920:3921:3922:39
Chatham Waterfront Bus Station (Stop B10) 19:4220:4221:4222:42
Chatham, opp The Brook Iceland 19:4320:4321:4322:43
Chatham, adj Institute Road 19:4420:4421:4422:44
Chatham, adj Windmill Road 19:4620:4621:4622:46
Gillingham Rock Avenue (N-bound) 19:4720:4721:4722:47
Gillingham Byron Road (just after) 19:4820:4821:4822:48
Gillingham, o/s Medway Maritime Hospital 19:4920:4921:4922:49
Gillingham, opp The Westcourt Arms 19:5120:5121:5122:51
Gillingham, opp Copenhagen Road 19:5220:5221:5222:52
Gillingham St Mark's Church (Stop H) 19:5320:5321:5322:53
Gillingham Jeffery Street (Stop D) 19:5420:5421:5422:54
Gillingham, adj Trinity Road 19:5520:5521:5522:55
Gillingham, opp Burnt Oak Primary School 19:5620:5621:5622:56
Gillingham, opp Nasir Mosque 19:5720:5721:5722:57
Gillingham Gate (N-bound) 19:5820:5821:5822:58
Gillingham, opp Milner Road 20:0021:0022:0023:00
Gillingham The Strand (E-bound) 20:0121:0122:0123:01
Gillingham, opp Church Street Shops 20:0221:0222:0223:02
Gillingham Green (adj) 20:0321:0322:0323:03
Gillingham, opp Elm Road 20:0421:0422:0423:04
Gillingham, opp Castlemaine Avenue 20:0521:0522:0523:05
Gillingham, adj King Edward Road 20:0521:0522:0523:05
Gillingham, adj Dial Road 20:0621:0622:0623:06
Gillingham, adj Hewitt Close 20:0621:0622:0623:06
Gillingham, opp Plantation Road 20:0821:0822:0823:08

Timetable data from https://opendata.ticketer.com/uk/AKSS/routes_and_timetables/current.zip,

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Arriva Kent and Surrey


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