22 - Leicester City Centre - Evington

A bus service operated by Centrebus (North)

Leicester City Centre to Evington

Leicester Charles Street (Stand CC) 07:0807:3608:05then every 30 minutes until18:3519:2019:35
Leicester Charles Street (Stand EA) 07:0807:3608:0618:3619:2119:36
Leicester Rail Station (Stand EF) 07:1007:3808:0818:3819:2319:38
Leicester, adj Prebend Street 07:1007:3808:0818:3819:2319:38
Leicester Saxby Street (Stand B) 07:1007:3808:0918:3919:2419:39
Evington, adj Hamilton Street 07:1107:3908:0918:3919:2419:39
Leicester, adj St Stephens Road 07:1207:4008:1018:4019:2519:40
Leicester, adj Glossop Street 07:1207:4008:1118:4119:2619:41
Evington, opp Halsbury Street 07:1307:4108:1218:4219:2719:42
Evington Valley Road (adj) 07:1407:4208:1318:4319:2819:43
Evington, adj Kilworth Drive 07:1507:4308:1418:4419:2919:44
Evington, opp Mayflower School 07:1607:4408:1618:4619:3119:46
Crown Hills, opp Plymouth Drive 07:1607:4408:1618:4619:3119:46
Crown Hills, adj Clovelly Road 07:1707:4508:1718:4719:3219:47
Evington, adj Hextall Road 07:1807:4608:1818:4819:3319:48
Evington, opp Hawthorne Drive 07:1907:4708:2018:5019:3519:50
Evington, opp The Cedars 07:2107:4908:2118:5119:3619:51
Evington, adj Goodwood Road 07:2207:5008:2218:5219:3719:52
Goodwood, adj Mickleton Drive 07:2407:5208:2318:5319:3819:53
Goodwood, opp Ingarsby Drive 07:2707:5508:2518:5519:4019:55

Evington to Leicester City Centre

Goodwood, opp Ingarsby Drive 06:4507:0007:1507:2707:55then every 30 minutes until18:55
Goodwood, opp Barnstable Road 06:4507:0007:1507:2707:5518:55
Goodwood, opp Chatteris Avenue 06:4607:0107:1607:2807:5618:56
Goodwood, adj Woodnewton Drive 06:4607:0107:1607:3108:0119:01
Goodwood, opp Millersdale Avenue 06:4607:0107:1607:3108:0219:02
Goodwood, adj Alcester Drive 06:4707:0207:1707:3208:0319:03
Goodwood, adj Welland Vale Road 06:4707:0207:1707:3208:0319:03
Goodwood, opp Mickleton Drive 06:4807:0307:1807:3308:0519:05
Evington, opp Goodwood Road 06:4907:0407:1907:3408:0619:06
Evington, adj The Cedars 06:5007:0507:2007:3508:0719:07
Evington, opp Grocot Road 06:5007:0507:2007:3508:0819:08
Evington, opp Hextall Road 06:5107:0607:2107:3608:0919:09
Crown Hills, opp Clovelly Road 06:5207:0707:2207:3708:0919:09
Crown Hills, adj Plymouth Drive 06:5207:0707:2207:3708:1019:10
Evington, adj Mayflower School 06:5307:0807:2307:3808:1119:11
Evington, opp Kilworth Drive 06:5407:0907:2407:3908:1219:12
Evington Valley Road (opp) 06:5507:1007:2507:4008:1319:13
Evington, adj Conway Road 06:5507:1007:2507:4108:1419:14
Evington, adj Chepstow Road 06:5607:1107:2607:4208:1519:15
Leicester, adj Beckingham Road 06:5707:1207:2707:4308:1619:16
Leicester, opp St Stephens Road 06:5707:1207:2707:4408:1719:17
Evington, opp Hamilton Street 06:5807:1307:2807:4508:1819:18
Leicester, adj Granville Road 06:5907:1407:2907:4608:1919:19
Leicester, opp Saxby Street 07:0007:1507:3007:4708:2019:20
Leicester, opp Prebend Street 07:0107:1607:3107:4808:2119:21
Leicester Station Street (Stand EG) 07:0207:1707:3207:5008:2319:23
Leicester Charles Street (Stand EJ) 07:0307:1807:3307:5308:2619:26
Leicester Charles Street (Stand CJ) 07:0507:2007:3507:5608:2919:29

Timetable data from Centrebus Group/Bus Open Data Service (BODS),

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