879 - Golf Club S/B,Woodham - Newton Aycliffe
A bus service operated by Hodgsons
- Timetable
- Map
Woodham Way, Agnew Way, Burnhill Way, Burn Lane, Central Avenue, Vane Road, Shafto Way, Central Avenue, St Cuthbert's Way, Sheraton Road, Shafto Way, Central Avenue, Stephenson Way
Stephenson Way, Burnhill Way, Stag Lane, Woodham Gate. Returns right to Vane Road, Shafto Way, Central Avenue, St Cuthbert's Way, Sheraton Road, Shafto Way, Burn Lane, Burnhill Way, Woodham Agnew Way, Stag Lane, Woodham Gate
Timetable data from Hodgson Coach Operators/Bus Open Data Service (BODS), . We’re not endorsed by, affiliated with or supported by them, and they don’t warrant the accuracy or quality of the information.
- Website
- hodgsonsbuses.com
- @CoachesHodgsons