89 - Lancaster - Knott End

A bus service operated by Kirkby Lonsdale Coaches

Lancaster - Glasson Dock, Cockerham, Preesall - Knott End

Lancaster Bus Station (Stand 2) 06:1508:5011:0013:2015:3017:4019:30
Lancaster George Street (Stand E) 06:1708:5211:0213:2215:3217:4219:32
Lancaster Common Garden Street (Stop B) 06:1808:5311:0313:2315:3317:4319:33
Lancaster, opp Infirmary 06:2008:5511:0513:2515:3517:4519:35
Lancaster, by Pointer 06:2108:5611:0613:2615:3617:4619:36
Lancaster, opp Ripley St Thomas School 06:2308:5811:0813:2815:3817:4819:38
Greaves, by Bridge Road 06:2308:5811:0813:2815:3817:4819:38
Haverbreaks, o/s Islamic College 06:2308:5811:0813:2815:3817:4819:38
Haverbreaks, by Ashford Road 06:2408:5911:0913:2915:3917:4919:39
Stodday, by Carr Lane Bridge 06:2609:0111:1113:3115:4117:5119:41
Stodday, by Tarnwater Road 06:2709:0211:1213:3215:4217:5219:42
Conder Green, opp Ashton Hall 06:2809:0311:1313:3315:4317:5319:43
Conder Green, by Heronswood 06:2909:0411:1413:3415:4417:5419:44
Conder Green, opp Stork Hotel 06:3009:0511:1513:3515:4517:5519:45
Conder Green, by Conder Bridge 06:3009:0511:1513:3515:4517:5519:45
Conder Green, by Brickcroft 06:3109:0611:1613:3615:4617:5619:46
Glasson Dock, opp Victoria Inn 06:3409:0911:1913:3915:4917:5919:49
Glasson Dock, o/s Bowland View 06:3509:1011:2013:4015:5018:0019:50
Old Glasson, by Pennine View 06:3609:1111:2113:4115:5118:0119:51
Glasson Dock, by JeremyLane 06:3709:1211:2213:4215:5218:0219:52
Conder Green, by Condor Bridge 06:3909:1411:2413:4415:5418:0419:54
Thurnham, by Hall Gates 06:4209:1711:2713:4715:5718:0719:57
Cockerham, opp Hillam Lane 06:4409:1911:2913:4915:5918:0919:59
Cockerham, o/s Manor Inn 06:4709:2211:3213:5216:0218:1220:02
Cockerham, by Marsh Close 06:4809:2311:3313:5316:0318:13
Sand Side, opp Sand Villa Cottage 06:5109:2611:3613:5616:0618:16
Sand Side, by Gulf Lane 06:5309:2811:3813:5816:0818:18
Pilling, by Village Hall 06:5609:3111:4114:0116:1118:21
Pilling, opp Golden Ball 06:5709:3211:4214:0216:1218:22
Pilling, opp Pottery 06:5809:3311:4314:0316:1318:23
Pilling, by Methodist Church 06:5909:3411:4414:0416:1418:24
Smallwood Hey, opp Wheel Lane 07:0009:3511:4514:0516:1518:25
Preesall, by Crossing Cottage 07:0109:3611:4614:0616:1618:26
Preesall, o/s Head Dyke Lane 07:0409:3911:4914:0916:1918:29
Preesall, opp Ranch House 07:0509:4011:5014:1016:2018:30
Preesall, opp Willow House 07:0709:4211:5214:1216:2218:32
Preesall, opp Gaulters Lane 07:0709:4211:5214:1216:2218:32
Preesall, opp Little Tongues Lane 07:0809:4311:5314:1316:2318:33
Preesall, by Hillside Avenue 07:0809:4311:5314:1316:2318:33
Preesall, by Unsworth Avenue 07:0909:4411:5414:1416:2418:34
Preesall, opp Village Hall 07:1009:4511:5514:1516:2518:35
Knott End on Sea, by Medical Centre 07:1209:4711:5714:1716:2718:37
Knott End on Sea, opp Hawkshead Road 07:1309:4811:5814:1816:2818:38
Knott End on Sea, by Ambleside Avenue 07:1309:4811:5814:1816:2818:38
Knott End on Sea, opp Coniston Avenue 07:1409:4911:5914:1916:2918:39
Knott End on Sea, by Library 07:1509:5012:0014:2016:3018:40
Knott End on Sea, by Barton Square 07:1609:5112:0114:2116:3118:41
Knott End on Sea, adj Esplanade 07:1709:5212:0214:2216:3218:42
Knott End on Sea, o/s Bourne Arms 07:1909:5412:0414:2416:3418:44
Operated on behalf of Lancashire County Council Journey continues from Cockerham through all stops to Knott End on customer demand to set down only.

Knott End - Glasson Dock, Cockerham, Preesall - Lancaster

Knott End on Sea, o/s Bourne Arms 07:2509:2511:3013:4016:2518:1020:20
Knott End on Sea, by Esplanade 07:2509:2511:3013:4016:2518:1020:20
Knott End on Sea, opp Barton Square 07:2609:2611:3113:4116:2618:1120:21
Knott End on Sea, opp Library 07:2709:2711:3213:4216:2718:1220:22
Knott End on Sea, by Coniston Avenue 07:2809:2811:3313:4316:2818:1320:23
Knott End on Sea, opp Ambleside Avenue 07:2809:2811:3313:4316:2818:1320:23
Knott End on Sea, by Hawkshead Road 07:2909:2911:3413:4416:2918:1420:24
Knott End on Sea, opp Medical Centre 07:3009:3011:3513:4516:3018:1520:25
Preesall, by Police Stn 07:3109:3111:3613:4616:3118:1620:26
Preesall, opp Unsworth Avenue 07:3209:3211:3713:4716:3218:1720:27
Preesall, opp Hillside Avenue 07:3309:3311:3813:4816:3318:1820:28
Preesall, by Little Tongues Lane 07:3409:3411:3913:4916:3418:1920:29
Preesall, by Gaulters Lane 07:3409:3411:3913:4916:3418:1920:29
Preesall, by Willow House 07:3409:3411:3913:4916:3418:1920:29
Preesall, by Ranch House 07:3609:3611:4113:5116:3618:2120:31
Pilling, o/s Head Dyke Lane 07:3709:3711:4213:5216:3718:2220:32
Preesall, opp Crossing Cottage 07:3909:3911:4413:5416:3918:2420:34
Smallwood Hey, by Wheel Lane 07:4009:4011:4513:5516:4018:2520:35
Pilling, opp Methodist Church 06:4207:4209:4211:4713:5716:4218:2720:37
Pilling, o/s Pottery 06:4207:4209:4211:4713:5716:4218:2720:37
Pilling, by Golden Ball 06:4207:4209:4211:4713:5716:4218:2720:37
Pilling, by Damside 06:4307:4309:4311:4813:5816:4318:2820:38
Sand Side, opp Gulf Lane 06:4507:4509:4511:5014:0016:4518:3020:40
Sand Side, by Sand Villa Cottage 06:4707:4709:4711:5214:0216:4718:3220:42
Cockerham, opp Marsh Close 06:4907:4909:4911:5414:0416:4918:3420:44
Cockerham, opp Manor Inn 06:4907:4909:4911:5414:0416:4918:3420:44
Cockerham, by Rectory Gardens 06:5007:5009:5011:5514:0516:5018:3520:45
Cockerham, by Hillam Lane 06:5107:5109:5111:5614:0616:5118:3620:46
Thurnham, opp Hall Gates 06:5407:5409:5411:5914:0916:5418:3920:49
Conder Green, by Conder Bridge 06:5607:5609:5612:0114:1116:5618:4120:51
Conder Green, by Brickcroft 06:5707:5709:5712:0214:1216:5718:4220:52
Glasson Dock, opp Victoria Inn 06:5907:5909:5912:0414:1416:5918:4420:54
Glasson Dock, o/s Bowland View 07:0008:0010:0012:0514:1517:0018:4520:55
Old Glasson, by Pennine View 07:0108:0110:0112:0614:1617:0118:4620:56
Glasson Dock, by JeremyLane 07:0208:0210:0212:0714:1717:0218:4720:57
Conder Green, by Condor Bridge 07:0408:0410:0412:0914:1917:0418:4920:59
Conder Green, o/s Stork Hotel 07:0508:0510:0512:1014:2017:0518:5021:00
Conder Green, opp Heronswood 07:0508:0510:0512:1014:2017:0518:5021:00
Conder Green, by Ashton Hall 07:0608:0610:0612:1114:2117:0618:5121:01
Stodday, opp Tarnwater Road 07:0708:0710:0712:1214:2217:0718:5221:02
Stodday, opp Carr Lane Bridge 07:0808:0810:0812:1314:2317:0818:5321:03
Hall Park Road, opp Pinewood Close 07:0908:0910:0912:1414:2417:0918:5421:04
Haverbreaks, opp Ashford Road 07:1008:1010:1012:1514:2517:1018:5521:05
Haverbreaks, opp Islamic College 07:1008:1010:1012:1514:2517:1018:5521:05
Greaves, opp Bridge Road 07:1108:1110:1112:1614:2617:1118:5621:06
Lancaster, by Ripley St Thomas CEHS 07:1208:1210:1212:1714:2717:1218:5721:07
Lancaster, o/s Infirmary 07:1408:1410:1412:1914:2917:1418:5921:09
Lancaster, by Queens Square 07:1608:1610:1612:2114:3117:1619:0121:11
Lancaster Bus Station (Stand 13) 07:1908:1910:1912:2414:3417:1919:0421:14

Operated on behalf of Lancashire County Council

Timetable data from the Traveline National Dataset (TNDS),

Kirkby Lonsdale Coaches
