B2 - Bedworth - Bedworth

A bus service operated by Flexibus

Monday to Saturday

Bedworth, adj Iceland 09:2010:1011:0012:2013:1014:30
Bedworth, adj Mitchell Road 09:2110:1111:0112:2113:1114:31
Bedworth, adj Pebblebrook Way 09:2210:1211:0212:2213:1214:32
Bedworth, nr Coalpit Fields Road 09:2310:1311:0312:2313:1314:33
Bedworth, nr Drayton Road 09:2410:1411:0412:2413:1414:34
Bedworth, opp Walter Scott Road 09:2610:1611:0612:2613:1614:36
Bedworth Drayton Road (Nt) 09:2710:1711:0712:2713:1714:37
Bedworth, nr Bulkington Road 09:2910:1911:0912:2913:1914:39
Bedworth, opp Railway Station 09:3010:2011:1012:3013:2014:40
Bedworth, adj All Saints Square 09:3210:2211:1212:3213:2214:42

Timetable data from A & M Group - Flexibus/Bus Open Data Service (BODS), . We’re not endorsed by, affiliated with or supported by them, and they don’t warrant the accuracy or quality of the information.

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