GN1 - Blackpool - Aintree Embankment

A coach service operated by National Express

Blackpool - Aintree Embankment

Blackpool, by National Express Coach Facility 09:40
Preston Bus Station (Stand A) 10:10p
Aintree Racecourse 11:00s
Aintree Festival Zone Package 11:01s
Aintree Embankment 11:02

Times marked s – “set down only” – the coach will only stop to drop passengers off

Times marked p – “pick up only” – the coach will only stop to pick up passengers

Aintree Embankment - Blackpool

Aintree Embankment 19:28
Aintree Festival Zone Package 19:29p
Aintree Racecourse 19:30p
Preston Bus Station (Stand A) 20:30s
Blackpool, by National Express Coach Facility 21:00

Times marked s – “set down only” – the coach will only stop to drop passengers off

Times marked p – “pick up only” – the coach will only stop to pick up passengers

Timetable data from the Bus Open Data Service (BODS),

More information

National Express
