KW1 - Knights Wood - Tonbridge

A bus service operated by Hams Travel

Knights Wood - Tonbridge

Knights Wood, o/s Shops 06:0006:3007:0007:3008:0008:30
Knights Wood, adj Rosehip Lane 06:0006:3007:0007:3008:0008:30
Knights Wood, opp Golding Road 06:0006:3007:0007:3008:0008:30
Knights Wood, opp Knights Park 06:0106:3107:0107:3108:0108:31
Vauxhall Lane (E-bound) 06:0606:3607:0607:3608:0608:36
Tonbridge, adj Vauxhall Inn 06:0706:3707:0707:3708:0708:37
Tonbridge, opp Goldsmid Road 06:0806:3807:0807:3808:0808:38
Tonbridge, opp Lavender Hill 06:0906:3907:0907:3908:0908:39
Tonbridge Quarry Hill Parade (Stop I) 06:1206:4207:1207:4208:1208:42

Tonbridge - Knights Wood

Timetable data from Hams Travel/Bus Open Data Service (BODS), . We’re not endorsed by, affiliated with or supported by them, and they don’t warrant the accuracy or quality of the information.

Hams Travel
