Pilning The Cross Hands (W-bound)
On Redwick Road
Buses point west ←
- Map
- Street View
- sgladmw
- 0170SGB20607
To | Scheduled | |
12 | Severn Beach | 05:36 |
12 | Severn Beach | 06:41 |
12 | Severn Beach | 07:49 |
12 | Severn Beach | 08:55 |
12 | Severn Beach | 09:58 |
12 | Severn Beach | 10:58 |
12 | Severn Beach | 11:58 |
12 | Severn Beach | 12:58 |
12 | Severn Beach | 13:58 |
12 | Severn Beach | 14:58 |
12 | Severn Beach | 16:08 |
918 | Severn Beach | 16:14 |