Greenfield Carr Lane (N-bound)

On Carr Lane

Carr Lane, Greenfield - Road Closure
12 May–17 September 2024

Carr Lane is closed due to roadworks taking place.

Services will divert via Wellington Road, Queensway, Chew Valley road and Oldham Road in both directions. You can get off and on at all stops on the diversion route.

Monday 27 May

356 Oldham 20:09

Tuesday 28 May

356 Oldham 06:35
356 Oldham 07:32
356 Oldham 08:54
356 Oldham 09:56
356 Oldham 10:56
356 Oldham 11:56
356 Oldham 12:56
356 Oldham 13:56
356 Oldham 14:57

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↑ Now

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