Horsforth St James's Terrace

On Low Lane, near At St James Terrace, near The Horsforth Centre

Buses point north-west ↖

Horsforth, Low Lane (Leeds)
From 7 May 2024

Low Lane, Horsforth closed due to emergency works until further notice.

50A will divert via Broadgate Lane (50 Route) in both directions

50A Horsforth The Green
36613 - MA24 EPP
50A Horsforth The Green
36605 - MA24 EPD
50A Horsforth The Green
36601 - MA24 EOW
50A Horsforth The Green 11:44
50A Horsforth The Green 12:10
50A Horsforth The Green 12:38
50A Horsforth The Green 13:06
50A Horsforth The Green 13:35
50A Horsforth The Green 14:01
50A Horsforth The Green 14:28
50A Horsforth The Green 14:58
50A Horsforth The Green 15:24

Later ↓

Nearby stops
