Places in Radlett
Stops in Radlett
Map- Craigweil Avenue (nr) ↘ 354 361 397 398
- Craigweil Avenue (opp) ↖ 354 361 397 398 601
- Dellfield Close (adj) ↗ 397 398 602
- Dellfield Close (opp) ↙ 397 398 602
- Faggots Close (nr) ← 602
- Faggots Close (opp) → 602
- Gills Hill Lane (adj) ← 397 398 602
- Goodyers Avenue (nr) ↑ 338 354 361 601
- Goodyers Avenue (opp) ↓ 338 354 361 601
- Highfield House (opp) ↓ 354 361 397 398
- Highfield House (o/s) ↑ 354 361 397 398 601
- Hill Farm (nr) ↖ 338 354 361 601
- Hill Farm (opp) ↓ 338 354 361 601
- Kitswell Way (nr) ↑ 338 354 361 601
- Kitswell Way (opp) ↓ 338 354 361 601
- Newlands Avenue (adj) ↗ 397 398 602
- Post Office (opp) ↘ 354 361 397 398 601
- Post Office (o/s) ↖ 354 361 397 398 601
- Recreation Ground (Stop B) ↓ 338 354 361 397 398 601 602
- Recreation Ground (Stop C) ↑ 354 361 601 602
- Red Lion Hotel (Stop A) ← 397 398
- The Grove (nr) ↑ 338 354 361 601
- The Grove (opp) ↓ 338 354 361 601
- Williams Way (nr) ↙ 602
- Williams Way (opp) ↗ 602
- Woodhall Gate Lodge (nr) ↙ 602
- Woodhall Gate Lodge (opp) ↗ 602
Bus services
- 338 Radlett Rail Station - Colney Fields Retail Park Lucketts of Watford
- 354 Nicholas Breakspear School - Borehamwood Sullivan Buses
- 361 St Albans Townsend School - Garston Red Eagle
- 397 Borehamwood - Bushey, Queens School Sullivan Buses
- 398 Brookmans Park / Potters Bar - Borehamwood Sullivan Buses
- 601 The Alban Way Borehamwood - Welwyn Garden City Uno
- 602 Watford - Hatfield Uno