6B - Tavistock to Okehampton via Mary Tavy

Registration number
Normal Stopping
Supported by subsidy?

Variation history

    • Received 18 Jul 24
    • Effective 1 Sep 24
    • Registered

    A new Service 6B will be introduced, providing one journey in each direction Monday to Friday between Tavistock and Okehampton. In the morning, there will be a journey at 0840 from Tavistock to Okehampton. In the afternoon, there will be a journey at 1420 from Okehampton to Tavistock. Service 6B journeys provide connections in and out of Service 6A at Okehampton for travel to and from Exeter.

    From: Tavistock
    To: Okehampton
    Via: Mary Tavy
    Name or No.: 6B
    Service type: Normal Stopping
    Effective date: 01 September 2024
    Other details: A new Service 6B will be introduced, providing one journey in each direction Monday to Friday between Tavistock and Okehampton. In the morning, there will be a journey at 0840 from Tavistock to Okehampton. In the afternoon, there will be a journey at 1420 from Okehampton to Tavistock. Service 6B journeys provide connections in and out of Service 6A at Okehampton for travel to and from Exeter.

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