112 - Lymington High Street to Hythe Ferry Terminal
- Registration number
- PH1121126/182
- Type
- Normal Stopping
- Supported by subsidy?
- Yes
Hampshire County Council - Authorities
- Hampshire Council
Variation history
- Received 4 Mar 24
- Effective 15 Apr 24
- Registered
Timetable variation
Operating between Lymington High Street and Hythe Ferry Terminal given service number 112 / 761 effective from 15 April 2024. To amend Timetable.
- Received 28 Sep 23
- Effective 9 Oct 23
- Registered
- Short notice
Service 712 withdrawn
Operating between Lymington High Street and Hythe Ferry Terminal given service number 112 / 761 effective from 09 October 2023. To amend Route and Timetable.
- Received 22 Nov 22
- Effective 3 Jan 23
- Registered
Operating between LYMINGTON HIGH STREET and HYTHE FERRY TERMINAL given service number 112 / 761 / 712 effective from 03 January 2023. To amend Route and Timetable.
- Received 20 Sep 21
- Effective 27 Sep 21
- End 31 Dec 21
- Expired
- Short notice
Temporary route and timetable variation due to Coronavirus
Operating between LYMINGTON HIGH STREET and HYTHE FERRY TERMINAL given service number 112 / 761 / 712 effective from 27 September 2021. To amend Route and Timetable.
- Received 31 Aug 21
- Effective 2 Sep 21
- End 31 Dec 21
- Expired
- Short notice
Temporary timetable variation due to Coronavirus
Operating between LYMINGTON HIGH STREET and HYTHE FERRY TERMINAL given service number 112 / 761 / 712 effective from 02 September 2021. To amend Timetable.
- Received 22 Jan 21
- Effective 29 Jan 21
- End 1 Oct 21
- Expired
- Short notice
Temporary timetable variation due to Covid-19 national lockdown
Operating between LYMINGTON HIGH STREET and HYTHE FERRY TERMINAL given service number 112 / 761 / 712 effective from 29 January 2021. To amend Timetable.
- Received 19 Nov 20
- Effective 19 Nov 20
- End 1 Oct 21
- Expired
- Short notice
Temporary variation due to Coronavirus
Operating between LYMINGTON HIGH STREET and HYTHE FERRY TERMINAL given service number 112 / 761 / 712 effective from 19 November 2020. To amend Timetable.
- Received 22 Apr 20
- Effective 22 Apr 20
- End 31 Aug 20
- Expired
- Short notice
Temporary timetable variation due to COVID-19
Operating between LYMINGTON HIGH STREET and HYTHE FERRY TERMINAL given service number 112 / 761 / 712 effective from 22 April 2020. To amend Timetable.
- Received 17 Jul 19
- Effective 2 Sep 19
- Registered
Amended timetable
Operating between LYMINGTON HIGH STREET and HYTHE FERRY TERMINAL given service number 112 / 761 / 712 effective from 02 September 2019. To amend Timetable.
- Received 15 Feb 19
- Effective 9 Apr 19
- Registered
Amended timetable
Operating between LYMINGTON HIGH STREET and HYTHE FERRY TERMINAL given service number 112 / 761 / 712 effective from 09 April 2019. To amend Timetable.
- Received 14 Sep 18
- Effective 24 Sep 18
- Registered
- Short notice
Revised route and timetable on service 761
Operating between LYMINGTON HIGH STREET and HYTHE FERRY TERMINAL given service number 112 / 761 / 712 effective from 24 September 2018. To amend Route and Timetable.
- Received 25 May 18
- Effective 22 Jul 18
- Registered
Variation to timetable - route 99 no longer operates.
Operating between LYMINGTON HIGH STREET and HYTHE FERRY TERMINAL given service number 112 / 761 / 712 effective from 22 July 2018. To amend Timetable.
- Received 12 May 17
- Effective 23 Jul 17
- Registered
Revised timetable for the summer school holiday, including the seasonal introduction of route 99 (Beach Bus)
Operating between LYMINGTON HIGH STREET and HYTHE FERRY TERMINAL given service number 112, 712 / 761 / 99 effective from 23 July 2017. To amend Timetable.
- Received 28 Nov 16
- Effective 5 Dec 16
- Registered
- Short notice
Revised route and timetable for service 761
Operating between LYMINGTON HIGH STREET and HYTHE FERRY TERMINAL given service number 112 / 712 / 761 effective from 05 December 2016. To amend Route and Timetable.
- Received 20 May 16
- Effective 24 Jul 16
- Registered
Revised 112 timetable for period of "Beach Bus" operation during summer school holidays
Operating between LYMINGTON HIGH STREET and HYTHE FERRY TERMINAL given service number 112/712/761 effective from 24-Jul-2016. To amend Timetable.
- Received 27 Mar 15
- Effective 26 May 15
- Registered
revised route and timetable
Operating between LYMINGTON HIGH STREET and HYTHE FERRY TERMINAL given service number 112/712/761 effective from 26-May-2015. To amend Route and Timetable.
- Received 19 Jun 14
- Effective 26 Jul 14
- Registered
- Short notice
Rerouteing of summer school holiday service.
Operating between LYMINGTON BUS STATION and HYTHE FERRY TERMINAL given service number 112/712/761 effective from 26-Jul-2014. To amend Route and Timetable.
- Received 5 Jun 14
- Effective 26 Jul 14
- Registered
- Short notice
Operating between LYMINGTON BUS STATION and HYTHE FERRY TERMINAL given service number 112/712/761 effective from 26-Jul-2014. To amend Route and Timetable.
- Received 25 Apr 14
- Effective 22 Jun 14
- Registered
Name or No: 112/712/761
Service Type: Normal Stopping
Effective Date: 22-Jun-2014
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