91 - Folkestone Bus Station - Dover Pencester Road

A bus service operated by Stagecoach South East

Folkestone Bus Station - Dover Pencester Road

Folkestone Bus Station (Bay C) 09:3011:0013:0015:10
Folkestone Central Railway Station (Stop B) 09:3211:0213:0215:12
Folkestone, adj Radnor Park 09:3311:0313:0315:13
Folkestone, opp Cubitt House 09:3511:0513:0515:15
Folkestone, adj Black Bull 09:3711:0713:0715:17
Folkestone, opp Wood Avenue 09:3811:0813:0815:18
Holywell Avenue (adj) 09:3911:0913:0915:19
Hawkinge, opp Alkham Valley Corner 09:4011:1013:1015:20
South Alkham, adj Church Hill 09:4211:1213:1215:22
South Alkham, adj Standen Terrace 09:4411:1413:1415:24
South Alkham, adj Drellingore Terrace 09:4511:1513:1515:25
South Alkham, opp Meggett Lane 09:4711:1713:1715:27
Alkham, opp Newlyns Meadow 09:4811:1813:1815:28
Alkham, adj The Marquis 09:4811:1813:1815:28
Alkham, adj Wolverton Hill 09:5011:2013:2015:30
Alkham, adj Chilton Nursery 09:5111:2113:2115:31
Kearsney, opp Bushy Ruff Cottages 09:5311:2313:2315:33
Kearsney Abbey (N-bound) 09:5311:2313:2315:33
Temple Ewell, adj Templeside 09:5411:2413:2415:34
Temple Ewell, adj Wellington Road 09:5511:2513:2515:35
Kearsney, o/s The Railway Bell 09:5511:2513:2515:35
River, adj Whitfield Hill Bottom 09:5611:2613:2615:36
River, adj Pilgrims Way 09:5711:2713:2715:37
Crabble, adj Carlsden Close 09:5811:2813:2815:38
Buckland Bridge (opp) 09:5911:2913:2915:39
Buckland, before Cherry Tree Avenue 10:0011:3013:3015:40
Dover, o/s Charlton Primary School 10:0111:3113:3115:41
Dover Girls' Grammar School (adj) 10:0211:3213:3215:42
Dover, adj Dofras Place 10:0411:3413:3415:44
Dover Pencester Road (arrivals) 10:0711:3713:3715:47

Dover Pencester Road - Folkestone Bus Station Arrivals

Dover Pencester Road (Stop X) 10:2011:5013:5015:50
Dover Priory Street (Stop E) 10:2111:5113:5115:51
Dover Charlton Centre (Stop L) 10:2311:5313:5315:53
Dover, adj Templar Street 10:2411:5413:5415:54
Dover, adj Shooter's Hill 10:2511:5513:5515:55
Buckland, opp Cherry Tree Avenue 10:2611:5613:5615:56
Buckland, adj Eric Road 10:2711:5713:5715:57
Buckland Bridge (adj) 10:2811:5813:5815:58
Buckland, opp Dodd's Lane 10:2811:5813:5815:58
River, opp Pilgrims Way 10:3012:0014:0016:00
River, opp Whitfield Hill Bottom 10:3112:0114:0116:01
Kearsney, opp The Railway Bell 10:3212:0214:0216:02
Temple Ewell, opp Wellington Road 10:3212:0214:0216:02
Temple Ewell, opp The Fox 10:3312:0314:0316:03
Kearsney Abbey (S-bound) 10:3412:0414:0416:04
Kearsney, adj Bushy Ruff Cottages 10:3412:0414:0416:04
Alkham, opp Chilton Nursery 10:3612:0614:0616:06
Alkham, opp Wolverton Hill 10:3712:0714:0716:07
Alkham, opp The Marquis 10:3912:0914:0916:09
Alkham, adj Newlyns Meadow 10:3912:0914:0916:09
South Alkham, adj Meggett Lane 10:4012:1014:1016:10
South Alkham, opp Drellingore Terrace 10:4212:1214:1216:12
South Alkham, opp Standen Terrace 10:4212:1214:1216:12
South Alkham, opp Church Hill 10:4512:1514:1516:15
Hawkinge, adj Alkham Valley Corner 10:4612:1614:1616:16
Holywell Avenue (opp) 10:4812:1814:1816:18
Folkestone, adj Wood Avenue 10:4912:1914:1916:19
Folkestone, opp Black Bull 10:5012:2014:2016:20
Folkestone, adj Cubitt House 10:5112:2114:2116:21
Folkestone, opp Radnor Park 10:5312:2314:2316:23
Folkestone Central Railway Station (Stop C) 10:5412:2414:2416:24
Folkestone, opp Civic Centre 10:5612:2614:2616:26
Folkestone, adj Castle House 10:5612:2614:2616:26
Folkestone Sandgate Road (E-bound) 10:5712:2714:2716:27
Folkestone, at Bus Station Arrivals 10:5912:2914:2916:29

Timetable data from Stagecoach South East, 19 September 2024

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