Melton Mowbray
Stops in Melton Mowbray
Map- Baldocks Lane (adj) ↓ LC1 R1 R29
- Baldocks Lane (opp) ↑ 5 5A X5 LC1 MC4 R1 R29
- Balmoral Road (W Bound) MC3
- Beaconsfield Road (adj) ↓ MC3
- Bowley Avenue (N Bound) ↑ 8 MC5
- Bowley Avenue (S Bound) ↓ 8 MC5
- B&Q (adj) ↗ X5 8 LC1 MC2 R29
- B&Q (opp) ↙ 5 5A X5 8 LC1 R29
- Brampton Road (adj) ↖ 19
- Branston Crescent (adj) MC4
- Brightside Avenue (opposite) MC3
- Brooksby College (opposite) → 5 5A LC8 LCC2 MC3
- Brooksby College (outside) ← 5 5A LC8 LCC2
- Carnegie Crescent (opp) ↙ MC5
- Cattle Market (adj) ↓ 19
- Cattle Market (nr) 5 5A LCC2
- Cattle Market (opp) LC1 MC1
- Cattle Market (opp) ↑ 19
- Cattle Market (outside) ↑ 5A LC1 MC1 MC3
- Chadwell Close (adj) MC4
- Charnwood Drive (opp) MC3
- Clark Drive (adj) ↓ 5A LC1 MC1
- Clark Drive (opp) ↑ LC1 MC1
- College of Further Education (opp) ↓ 8 R29
- College of Further Education (outside) ↑ 5 5A X5 8 LC1 MC2 R29
- Collingwood Crescent (adj) → 5 5A LC8 LCC2
- Collingwood Crescent (opp) ← 5 5A LC8 LCC2
- Cotswold Close (adj) ↑ 5 5A X5
- Cowslip Drive (adj) MC2
- Crossfield Drive (adj) ↙ 8 MC5
- Crossfield Drive (opp) ↗ 8 MC5
- Crown Inn (opposite) ↓ LC1 MC4 R1 R29
- Crown Inn (outside) ↑ 5 5A X5 LC1 MC4 R1 R29
- Doctor's Lane (adj) ↗ 8 MC5
- Doctor's Lane (opp) ↙ 8 MC5
- Dorothy Avenue (adj) → 5 5A LC8 LCC2 MC3
- Dorothy Avenue (opp) ← 5 5A LC8 LCC2
- Dorset Drive (opp) → 5 5A X5
- Eastfield Avenue (adj) MC1
- Edendale Road (adj) ↙ X5 8 MC2 R29
- Edendale Road (opp) X5 8 MC2 R29
- Egerton View (near) ↙ 5 5A X5 8 LC1 R29
- Essex Close (adj) R1 R29
- Essex Close (opp) R1 R29
- Fisher Drive (adj) MC2
- Gladstone Avenue (adj) ↖ 19 MC3
- Gladstone Avenue (opp) ↘ 19
- Gloucester Avenue (adj) ↑ 5 5A X5 LC1 MC4 R1 R29
- Gloucester Avenue (opp) ↘ LC1 MC4 R1 R29
- Guadaloupe Avenue (opp) MC4
- Hamilton Drive (adjacent) ↓ MC2
- Harlech Walk (outside) ↙ MC3
- Hartland Drive (adj) ↓ 5 5A X5
- Hartland Drive (opp) ↑ MC2
- Health Centre (outside) ↑ 8 LC1 LC3 MC4 MC5 R1 R2 R29
- Heron Crescent (adj) MC5
- Hunters Road (opp) MC4
- John Ferneley College (inside) ↑ 5A LC1
- Kennet Way (adj) ↘ 5 5A LC1
- Kennet Way (opp) ↖ LC1
- King Street (adj) ↓ 5 5A 8 LC1 LC8 MC1 MC3
- Leicester Road (adj) ↓ X5 MC2
- Leighton Road (adj) MC1
- Longate Road (opp) MC1
- Long Field High School (inside) ← X5 LC1
- Meadow Way (adj) ← MC4
- Melton Sports Village (inside) LC1 MC4
- Morley Close (opp) ↓ MC3
- Morrisons (adj) → LC3 MC5 R2
- Morrisons (opp) ← 8 LC3 MC5 R2
- Newport Avenue (adj) 5A LC1 MC1
- Owen Crescent (adj) ↑ MC1
- Police Station (near) ↙ 5 5A X5 8 LC1 R29
- Police Station (opposite) ↗ X5 8 LC1 MC2 R29
- Potter Hill (opposite) ↘ 19
- Princess Drive (adj) ← MC2
- Princess Drive (opp) → 5 5A X5
- Queensway (adj) ↓ 5 5A X5
- Queensway (opp) ↑ MC2
- Rail Station (adj) ↑ 5 5A X5 LC1 MC4 R1 R29
- Rail Station (opp) ↓ LC1 MC4 R1 R29
- Redwood Avenue (opp) MC1
- Severn Hill (adj) → 5 5A X5
- Severn Hill (opp) ← MC2
- Sherard Primary School (adj) MC4
- Staveley Road (adj) ↑ 19
- St Mary's Way (Stand S1) ↑ 19
- St Mary's Way (Stand S2) ↑ 19 LC1 MC1 MC2 MC3 MC5 R29
- St Mary's Way (Stand S3) ↑ 8 LC8 LCC2
- St Mary's Way (Stand S4) ↑ 8 LC8
- Swallowdale School (opposite) 5 5A X5
- Tennyson Way (outside) ↑ 5A LC1
- Torrance Drive (opp) MC1
- Tudor Hill (before) ← MC2
- Tudor Hill (opp) → 5 5A X5
- Valiant Way (adj) 5 5A X5 8 LC1 R29
- Valley Road Shops (adj) → 5 5A X5 MC2
- Valley Road Shops (opp) MC2
- Victoria Street (adj) ↑ 5 5A X5 LC1 MC4 R1 R29
- Victoria Street (adj) MC2
- Victoria Street (opp) ↓ LC1 MC4 R1 R29
- Warwick Road (adj) MC2
- Waverley Court (adj) ← MC4
- Welby Lane (adj) ↑ 19
- Welby Lane (opp) ↓ 19
- Wilton Park (opp) ↗ X5 8 LC1 MC2
- Windsor Street (Stand W1) ↓ LC1 MC1 MC2 MC3 MC4 R29
- Windsor Street (Stand W2) ↓ 5 5A X5
- Windsor Street (Stand W3) ↓ LC1 LC3 MC4 MC5 R2
- Windsor Street (Stand W4) ↓ R1
- Winster Crescent (adj) MC2
- Wren Close (adj) LC1
- Wren Close (opp) ↖ LC1
- Wycliffe Avenue (E Bound) → MC1
- Yew Tree Crescent (adj) ← MC1
Bus services
- 5 Leicester - Melton Mowbray Arriva Midlands
- 5A Leicester - Melton Mowbray Arriva Midlands
- X5 Leicester - Melton Mowbray Arriva Midlands
- 8 Grantham - Melton Mowbray Centrebus (North)
- 19 Nottingham - Melton Mowbray Centrebus (North)
- LC1 Oakham - Melton Mowbray Centrebus (North)
- LC3 Melton Mowbray - Grantham Centrebus (North)
- LC8 Melton Mowbray - Loughborough Centrebus (North)
- LCC2 Bottesford - Melton Mowbray Central Connect
- MC1 Melton Connect - Redwood Avenue, Clark Drive and Leighton Road Centrebus (North)
- MC2 Melton Connect - Queensway, Tamar Road and Alderman Road Centrebus (North)
- MC3 Melton Connect - Dieppe Way, Abingdon Road and Dorothy Avenue Centrebus (North)
- MC4 Melton Connect - Baldocks Lane, Grange Drive and Melton Sports Village Centrebus (North)
- MC5 Melton Connect - Thorpe Road and Heron Crescent Centrebus (North)
- R1 Melton Mowbray - Oakham - Uppingham - Corby Bland's
- R2 Melton Mowbray - Oakham Centrebus (North)
- R29 Essendine - Oakham - Brooksby College Centrebus (North)