Stops in Wrecclesham
Map- Bardsley Drive (adj) ↙ 17 18 74 75 404 405 418
- Bardsley Drive (opp) ↗ 17 18 74 418
- Echo Barn Lane (adj) ↙ 18 404 405 418
- Echo Barn Lane (opp) ↗ 18 418
- Firfield Road (opp) ↙ 17
- Greenfield Road Cemetery (adj) ↙ 16
- Greenfield Road Cemetery (opp) ↗ 16 404 405
- Greenhill Way (adj) ↘ 16
- Greenhill Way (opp) ↖ 16 404 405
- Green Lane (NW-bound) 16 74 75
- Green Lane (SE-bound) 16 17
- Little Green Lane (adj) ↙ 16
- Little Green Lane (opp) ↗ 16 404 405
- Playing Fields (adj) ↗ 16 404 405
- Playing Fields (opp) ↙ 16
- School Hill (NW-bound) ↖ 17
- School Hill (SE-bound) ↘ 17
- St Peter's Church (opp) ↓ 17
- St Peter's Church (o/s) ↑ 17
- St Peter's School (adj) ↖ 16 404 405
- St Peter's School (opp) ↘ 16
- The Street (NE-bound) ↗ 18 418
- The Street (SW-bound) ↙ 18 404 405 418
- Westfield Lane (adj) ↗ 18 418
- Westfield Lane (opp) ↙ 18 404 405 418
- Weydon School (o/s) ↙ 17 18 74 75 404 405 418
- Wrecclesham Bridge (N-bound) ↑ 17 18
- Wrecclesham Bridge (S-bound) ↓ 17 18 404 405 418
Bus services
- 16 Aldershot - Farnham - Rowledge Stagecoach South
- 17 Aldershot Princes Gardens - Wrecclesham Bridge Stagecoach South
- 18 Aldershot Princes Gardens - Bordon Stagecoach South
- 74 Folly Hill - Farnham - Weydon School Stagecoach South
- 75 Rushmoor - Frensham - Weydon School Stagecoach South
- 404 Farnham Hospital North - Farnborough Green Sixth Form College Stagecoach South
- 405 Wrecclesham Westfield Lane - Farnborough Green Sixth Form College Stagecoach South
- 418 Whitehill Bus Turning Circle - Farnborough Green Sixth Form College Stagecoach South