25 - The Bloomsbury Route - Lewes - Alfriston - Polegate - Eastbourne [The Bloomsbury Route]

A bus service operated by Cuckmere Buses


Lewes - Eastbourne Town Centre

Lewes, opp Railway Station 10:3213:3216:32
Lewes, adj Southover Road 10:3213:3216:32
Lewes Fisher Street (N-bound) 10:3313:3316:33
Lewes West Street (E-bound) 10:3313:3316:33
Lewes School Hill Bottom (Stand D) 10:3513:3516:35
Lewes Phoenix Causeway (E-bound) 10:3513:3516:35
Beddingham Roundabout (E-bound) 10:3713:3716:37
South Malling, adj The Spinneys 10:4013:4016:40
South Malling, adj Church Lane 10:4113:4116:41
South Malling Malling Down (NE-bound) 10:4113:4116:41
Glyndebourne, o/s Opera House 10:4313:4316:43
Glynde, opp Post Office 10:4613:4616:46
Glynde Lacys Hill (S-bound) 10:4713:4716:47
Beddingham, opp Preston Court Farm 10:4713:4716:47
Firle Bostal (opp) 10:4813:4816:48
Firle Park Gates (opp) 10:4913:4916:49
Firle Road (adj) 10:5213:5216:52
Selmeston, o/s Charleston Farmhouse 10:5613:5616:56
Selmeston, opp Charleston 10:5813:5816:58
Selmeston, opp The Barley Mow 11:0214:0217:02
Alciston Road (opp) 11:0214:0217:02
Berwick, opp The Village 11:0414:0417:04
Berwick Drusillas Corner (S-bound) 11:0414:0417:04
Berwick, in Drusillas Zoo Park 11:0514:0517:05
Alfriston, adj Coach Park 11:0814:0817:08
Berwick Drusillas Corner (N-bound) 08:2311:1214:1217:12
Milton Street, adj Milton Gate 08:2411:1314:1317:13
Wilmington, adj Thornwell Road 08:2611:1514:1517:15
Polegate, opp Folkington Road 08:2811:1714:1717:17
Polegate, opp Gainsborough Lane 08:2911:1814:1817:18
Polegate Cophall Roundabout (N-bound) 08:3011:1914:1917:19
Polegate, opp Victoria Road 08:3111:2014:2017:20
Polegate, opp High Street 08:3111:2014:2017:20
Polegate, adj Railway Station 08:3211:2114:2117:21
Polegate, adj Wannock Road Recreation Ground 08:3311:2214:2217:22
Polegate, adj Farmlands Way 08:3411:2314:2317:23
Wannock, adj Glen Close 08:3611:2514:2517:25
Willingdon Community School (o/s) 08:3711:2614:2617:26
Lower Willingdon, adj Tott Yew Road 08:3811:2714:2717:27
Lower Willingdon, adj Post Office 08:3911:2814:2817:28
Willingdon Coopers Hill (S-bound) 08:4011:2914:2917:29
Willingdon, opp Chalk Farm Hotel 08:4011:2914:2917:29
Willingdon, o/s Wish Hill Post Office 08:4111:3014:3017:30
Willingdon, opp Wedderburn Road 08:4111:3014:3017:30
Willingdon, opp Walnut Tree Walk 08:4211:3114:3117:31
Willingdon, adj Wish Hill 08:4311:3214:3217:32
Willingdon, adj Woodland Avenue 08:4311:3214:3217:32
Upperton, opp Selmeston Road 08:4511:3414:3417:34
Upperton, adj District General Hospital 08:4611:3514:3517:35
Upperton, opp Burton Road 08:4711:3614:3617:36
Upperton, opp King's Avenue 08:4711:3614:3617:36
Upperton, adj St Thomas A Becket School 08:4811:3714:3717:37
Upperton Enys Road (S-bound) 08:4911:3814:3817:38
Upperton, adj The Hawthorns 08:4911:3814:3817:38
Eastbourne Eversfield Road (SW-bound) 08:5011:3914:3917:39
Eastbourne, opp Upperton Gardens 08:5011:3914:3917:39
Eastbourne Railway Station (Stop R2) 08:5111:4014:4017:40
Eastbourne Cornfield Road (Stop C1) 08:5211:4114:4117:41

Eastbourne Town Centre - Lewes

Eastbourne Gildredge Road (Stop G2) 09:0012:0015:0018:00
Eastbourne, adj Upperton Gardens 09:0012:0015:0018:00
Eastbourne Eversfield Road (NE-bound) 09:0112:0115:0118:01
Upperton, opp The Hawthorns 09:0212:0215:0218:02
Upperton Enys Road (NE-bound) 09:0212:0215:0218:02
Upperton, opp St Thomas A Becket School 09:0312:0315:0318:03
Upperton, adj King's Avenue 09:0412:0415:0418:04
Upperton, adj Burton Road 09:0412:0415:0418:04
Upperton, opp District General Hospital 09:0612:0615:0618:06
Upperton, adj Selmeston Road 09:0612:0615:0618:06
Upperton, adj Park Avenue 09:0712:0715:0718:07
Willingdon, opp Woodland Avenue 09:0812:0815:0818:08
Willingdon, opp Wish Hill 09:0912:0915:0918:09
Willingdon, adj Walnut Tree Walk 09:0912:0915:0918:09
Willingdon, adj Wedderburn Road 09:1012:1015:1018:10
Willingdon, opp Wish Hill Post Office 09:1112:1115:1118:11
Willingdon, o/s Chalk Farm Hotel 09:1112:1115:1118:11
Willingdon Coopers Hill (N-bound) 09:1112:1115:1118:11
Lower Willingdon, opp Post Office 09:1312:1315:1318:13
Lower Willingdon, opp Tott Yew Road 09:1312:1315:1318:13
Lower Willingdon Broad Road (NW-bound) 09:1412:1415:1418:14
Wannock, opp Glen Close 09:1612:1615:1618:16
Polegate, opp Farmlands Way 09:1712:1715:1718:17
Polegate, opp Wannock Road Recreation Ground 09:1812:1815:1818:18
Polegate, opp Railway Station 09:2012:2015:2018:20
Polegate, adj High Street 09:2012:2015:2018:20
Polegate, adj Victoria Road 09:2012:2015:2018:20
Polegate Cophall Roundabout (S-bound) 09:2112:2115:2118:21
Polegate, adj Gainsborough Lane 09:2212:2215:2218:22
Polegate, adj Folkington Road 09:2312:2315:2318:23
Wilmington, opp Thornwell Road 09:2612:2615:2618:26
Milton Street, opp Milton Gate 09:2612:2615:2618:26
Berwick Drusillas Corner (S-bound) 09:2812:2815:2818:28s
Berwick, in Drusillas Zoo Park 09:2912:2915:2918:29
Alfriston, adj Coach Park 09:3212:3215:3218:32
Berwick Drusillas Corner (N-bound) 09:3812:3815:3818:35s
Berwick, adj Railway Station 12:4118:38
Berwick, adj The Village 09:3812:4515:38
Alciston Road (adj) 09:4012:4915:40
Selmeston, adj The Barley Mow 09:4112:5115:41
Selmeston, adj Charleston 09:4212:5415:44
Selmeston, o/s Charleston Farmhouse 12:5715:47
Firle Road (opp) 09:4313:0115:51
Firle Park Gates (opp) 09:4613:0415:54
Firle Bostal (adj) 09:4613:0415:54
Beddingham, adj Preston Court Farm 09:4613:0415:54
Beddingham Roundabout (W-bound) 09:4713:0515:55
Glynde Lacys Hill (N-bound) 09:4813:0615:56
Glynde, adj Railway Station 09:4813:0615:56
Glynde, adj Post Office 09:4913:0715:57
Glyndebourne, opp Opera House 09:5213:1016:00
Ringmer, adj New Road 09:5413:1216:02
South Malling Malling Down (SW-bound) 09:5713:1516:05
South Malling, opp Church Lane 09:5713:1516:05
South Malling, opp The Spinneys 09:5813:1616:06
Lewes, opp Brooks Road 09:5913:1716:07
Lewes Phoenix Causeway (W-bound) 09:5913:1716:07
Lewes Friars' Walk (Stand B) 10:0013:1816:08
Lewes, adj Railway Station 10:0913:2716:17

Times marked s – “set down only” – the bus will only stop to drop passengers off

Timetable data from the Traveline National Dataset (TNDS),

Cuckmere Buses
