55 - Park Row - Cottingley - Batley Bus Station/Parkwood

A bus service operated by First Leeds

Leeds Civic L 06:1007:1007:40then every 30 minutes until17:1017:4018:10
Leeds, at City Square G 06:1107:1107:4117:1117:4118:11
Leeds Wellington M 06:1307:1307:4417:1417:4418:14
Leeds Wellington N 06:1407:1407:4517:1517:4518:15
Holbeck, at Globe Road 06:1407:1407:4617:1617:4618:16
Holbeck, at Springwell Street 06:1507:1507:4817:1817:4818:18
Holbeck, on Spence Lane 06:1607:1607:4917:1917:4918:19
Holbeck Lane 06:1707:1707:5017:2017:4918:20
Holbeck, after Domestic Street Balm Walk 06:1807:1807:5117:2117:5118:21
Holbeck Top Moor Side 06:1907:1907:5317:2317:5318:23
Beeston Hill, adj City Evangelical Church 06:2007:2007:5417:2417:5418:24
Beeston Hill, adj Elland Rd Fairway Court 06:2007:2007:5417:2417:5418:24
Beeston Leeds Utd Stadium 06:2207:2207:5617:2617:5618:26
Beeston, at Heath Mount 06:2207:2207:5617:2617:5618:26
Beeston Elland Road Ind Est 06:2307:2307:5717:2717:5718:27
Cottingley, adj Drysalters 06:2407:2407:5817:2817:5818:28
Cottingley Millshaw 06:2507:2507:5917:2917:5918:29
Cottingley Drive Dulverton Square (W bound) 06:2607:2608:0017:3018:0018:30
Cottingley Drive Cottingley Station 06:2707:2708:0117:3118:0118:31
Cottingley Drive Dulverton Place 06:2707:2708:0117:3118:0118:31
Cottingley Drive Dulverton Gardens 06:2707:2708:0117:3118:0118:31
Cottingley Drive Cottingley Fold 06:2807:2808:0217:3218:0218:32
Cottingley Vale 06:2907:2908:0317:3318:0318:33
Cottingley Vale 05:3506:3407:0407:3408:0817:3818:38
Cottingley, opp Drysalters 05:3706:3507:0607:3508:0917:3918:39
Beeston Elland Road Ind Est 05:3806:3707:0707:3708:1117:4118:41
Beeston Heath Mount 05:4006:3807:0907:3808:1217:4218:42
Beeston, at Leeds Utd Stadium 05:4106:3907:1007:3908:1317:4318:43
Beeston Hill Fairway Court 05:4306:4207:1207:4208:1617:4618:46
Beeston Hill Cemetery Road Junction 05:4406:4307:1307:4308:1717:4718:47
Holbeck Top Moor Side 05:4506:4407:1407:4408:1817:4818:48
Holbeck, opp Domestic Street Balm Walk 05:4606:4607:1507:4608:2017:5018:50
Holbeck Lane (opp) 05:4706:4707:1607:4708:2117:5118:51
Holbeck Spence Lane 05:4806:4807:1707:4908:2317:5318:53
Holbeck Springwell Street 05:4806:4907:1707:5008:2417:5418:54
Holbeck Globe Road 05:4906:5007:1807:5108:2517:5518:55
Leeds Wellington P 05:5006:5107:1907:5208:2617:5618:56
Leeds Wellington O 05:5106:5207:2007:5408:2817:5818:58
Leeds Wellington J 05:5106:5307:2007:5508:2917:5918:59
Leeds Civic L 06:0006:5707:2907:5908:3318:0319:03

Timetable data from First Bus/Bus Open Data Service (BODS),

First Leeds


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