83A - Newfoundpool & Aylestone - Leicester City Centre

A bus service operated by Centrebus (North)

Monday to Friday

Newfoundpool & Aylestone to Leicester City Centre

Newfoundpool, adj Central Road 07:32
Newfoundpool, opp Beatrice Road 07:33
Newfoundpool, opp Pool Road 07:34
West End, adj Noble Street 07:35
West End, outside Hinckley Road 07:37
West End, adj Westcotes Drive 07:38
West End, adj Ashleigh Road 07:39
Leicester Imperial Avenue (SW Bound) 07:41
West End, adj Harlaxton Street 07:42
Leicester, opp Fulhurst Avenue 07:42
Leicester, outside Gooding Avenue 07:43
Leicester, outside Medical Centre 07:46
Braunstone, adj Dumbleton Avenue 07:47
West End, adj Meredith Road 07:48
Leicester, adj Rowley Fields Avenue 07:49
Leicester, adj Ellesmere College 07:52
Aylestone, outside St Andrews Church 07:57
Aylestone, opp Wigston Lane 07:59
Aylestone, outside Hall Lane 08:00
Aylestone Road (outside) 08:02
Aylestone Milligan Road (E Bound) 08:05
Aylestone Heathcott Road (near) 08:07
Aylestone, adj Wren Close 08:09
Aylestone, opp Recreation Ground 08:10
Aylestone Leisure Centre (adj) 08:12
Knighton, opposite Aston Hill 08:14
Knighton, opp Lancaster Boys School 08:16
Leicester, adj Heather Road 08:18
Knighton Fields, opposite Houlditch Road 08:19
Leicester, adj Leopold Road 08:21
Clarendon Park, outside Lytton Road 08:23
Clarendon Park Road (N Bound) 08:25
Clarendon Park, adj Howard Road 08:26
Clarendon Park, adj St Leonards Road 08:28
Clarendon Park, outside Adderley Road 08:29
Southfields, opp Welford Road Cemetery 08:32
Leicester College (opp) 08:34
Leicester, adj Sawday Street 08:35
Leicester, adj Walnut Street 08:36
Leicester Royal Infirmary Hospital (Stand GF) 08:38
Leicester Bonners Lane (Stand GH) 08:39
Leicester Pocklingtons Walk (Stand EQ) 08:44
Leicester Town Hall Square (Stand ER) 08:46
Leicester Charles Street (Stand CJ) 08:50

Leicester City Centre to Newfoundpool & Aylestone

Leicester Haymarket Bus Station (Stand HA) 14:55
Leicester Charles Street (Stand CF) 14:56
Leicester Rutland Street (Stand EK) 14:57
Leicester Welford Place (Stand EN) 14:59
Leicester Tower Street (Stand GB) 15:00
Leicester Nelson Mandela Park (Stand GE) 15:01
Leicester, outside Tigers Way 15:01
Southfields, adj Welford Road Cemetery 15:03
Leicester, adj University Road 15:03
Clarendon Park, opp Adderley Road 15:04
Clarendon Park, opp St Leonards Road 15:05
Clarendon Park, opp Howard Road 15:07
Clarendon Park Road (S Bound) 15:08
Clarendon Park, opp Lytton Road 15:09
Leicester, after Clarendon Park Road 15:11
Knighton Fields, outside Houlditch Road 15:12
Leicester, opp Heather Road 15:13
Knighton, outside Lancaster Boys School 15:14
Knighton, outside Aston Hill 15:16
Aylestone Leisure Centre (opp) 15:18
Aylestone, adj Recreation Ground 15:20
Aylestone Wren Close (Stop 2) 15:21
Aylestone, adj Heathcott Road 15:22
Aylestone, outside Duncan Road 15:22
Aylestone Milligan Road (W Bound) 15:24
Aylestone, adj Hampshire Road 15:26
Aylestone, opposite Hall Lane 15:27
Aylestone, adj Wigston Lane 15:29
Aylestone, opp St Andrews Church 15:29
Leicester, opp Ellesmere College 15:33
Leicester, adj Jaguar Garage 15:34
West End, opp Somerville Road 15:35
Braunstone, opp Dumbleton Avenue 15:36
Leicester, opposite Medical Centre 15:37
Leicester, opp Fulhurst Avenue 15:37
Leicester, outside Gooding Avenue 15:39
West End, opp Harlaxton Street 15:41
Leicester Imperial Avenue (NE Bound) 15:42
West End, adj Beaconsfield Road 15:43
West End, opposite Westcotes Drive 15:45
West End, adj Hinckley Road 15:47
West End, opp Noble Street 15:49
Newfoundpool, adj Pool Road 15:52
Newfoundpool, adj Beatrice Road 15:55

Timetable data from Centrebus Group/Bus Open Data Service (BODS),

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