Stops in Baildon
Map- Acre Rise Brantcliffe Drive ↖ 656 P64
- Acre Rise Brantcliffe Drive (stop) ↘ 656 P64 P66
- Baildon Community Link (at) ↗ 626 P64 P66 S64 S66
- Baildon Community Link (opp) ↙ 626 P64 P66 S64 S66
- Baildon Glen School → 626 P66
- Baildon Glen School (opp) ← 626 P64 P66 S64 S66
- Baildon Green ↙ 626 P64 P66 S64 S66
- Baildon Green (at) ↘ 626
- Baildon Recreation Centre (at) ← 626 633 660 675 B68 S65 S67
- Baildon Recreation Ground → 626 633 660 675 B68 P64 S65 S67
- Baildon Road Rockcliffe Ave (adj) ↗ 634 656 SM36
- Baildon Road Rockcliffe Ave (opp) ↙ 634 656 SM36
- Baildon Road Temple Rhydding Dr ↘ 634 656 SM36
- Baildon Road Temple Rhydding Dr (adj) ↖ 634 656 SM36
- Baildon Towngate ↗ 626 634 649 656 P64 P66 SM36
- Bertram Drive ↑ 626 P64 P66
- Bertram Drive (N bound) ↓ 626 P64 P66
- Browgate ↗ 626 634 649 P64 P66 S64 SM36
- Browgate ↙ 626 634 649 P64 P66 S64 SM36
- Cliffe Avenue ↙ 626 P64 P66 S64 S66
- Cliffe Avenue ↗ 626 P64 P66 S64 S66
- Cliffe Lane West ↘ 626 P64 P66
- Cliffe Lane West (N bound) ↖ 626 P64 P66
- Collier Lane Bentley Close ↙ 656 P64
- Collier Lane Bentley Close (stop) ↗ 656 P64 P66
- Collier Lane Strathmore Dr ↘ 656 P64
- Collier Lane Strathmore Dr (stop) ↖ 656 P64 P66
- Denby Drive ← 626 P64 P66
- Denby Drive (on) → 626 P64 P66
- Fernbank Drive (at) → 626 633 660 675 B68 P64 P66 S64 S65 S66 S67
- Fernbank Drive (opp) ← 626 633 660 675 B68 S65 S67
- Garsdale Crescent ← 649 S66
- Green Rd Green Lane ↗ P64 P66 S64 S66
- Heygate Lane Heygate Close ↑ 649 656
- Heygate Lane Heygate Close (stop) ↓ 649 656
- Higher Coach Road Bowland Ave ↖ 633 660 675
- Higher Coach Road Gorse Ave → 633 660 675
- Higher Coach Road Gorse Ave (adj) ← 633 660 675
- Higher Coach Road Salt Grammar School (stop D) → 633 660 675
- Higher Coach Road Salt Grammar School (stop E) → B68 P64 P66 S64 S65 S66 S67
- Higher Coach Road Salt Grammar School (stop F) ← 633 660 675 B68 S64 S65 S66 S67
- Holden Lane The Beeches ↖ 649 656
- Holden Lane The Beeches (stop) ↘ 649 656
- Jenny Lane Laburnam Dr ← 649 656
- Jenny Lane Laburnam Dr (stop) → 649 656
- Kingdom Hall → 626 633 660 675 B68 P64 P66 S64 S65 S66 S67
- Kingdom Hall (at) ← 626 633 660 675 B68 S65 S67
- Kirkfields ↑ 649 656
- Kirkfields Fennel Road ↓ 649 656
- Lucy Hall Drive Prod Ln (at) ↗ 634 656
- Lucy Hall Drive Rylstone Rd ← 634 656
- Lucy Hall Drive Rylstone Rd (stop) → 634 656
- Newton Way Springfield Rd ↗ P64 S64
- Otley Rd John Street ↗ 649 653 864 A3 SM36
- Otley Rd Woodcot Avenue ↗ 653 864 A3 SM36
- Otley Rd Wood Street ↙ 649 653 864 A3
- Post Office Baildon Road (adj) ↘ 634 656 SM36
- Post Office Baildon Road (opp) ↖ 634 656 SM36
- Primary School ↘ P66 S66
- Roberts Park ↘ 626 633 660 675 B68 P64 P66 S64 S65 S66 S67
- Roberts Park (at) ↖ 626 633 660 675 B68 S65 S67
- Station Rd Borrins Way ↗ 656 P66 S66
- Station Rd Borrins Way (stop) ↙ 656 P66 S66
- Station Road → P66 S66
- Station Road (near) ↗ 626 P64 P66 S64 S66
- Station Road (SW bound) ↙ 626 P64 P66 S64 S66
- Station Road Baildon Rail Station → 649 656
- Station Road Baildon Rail Station (W bound) ← 649 656
- Station Road Netherhall Rd (before) ← 656 P66 S66
- Station Road Netherhall Rd (opp) → 656 P66 S66
- The Crescent ↙ 626 P64 P66
- The Crescent (on) ↑ 626 P64 P66
- The Grove Newton Way (after) ← 656 P64
- The Grove Newton Way (opp) → 656 P64 P66
- The Grove Providence Avenue ↖ 656 P64
- The Grove Providence Avenue (stop) ↘ 656 P64 P66
- Thompson Lane ↗ 626 P66
- Thompson Lane (on) ↙ 626 P64 P66 S64 S66
- Upper Green ← 626 P64 P66 S64 S66
- Upper Green (at) → 626 P64 P66 S64 S66
- Westgate Newton Way ← P64 P66 S64
- West Lane → 634 656
- West Lane Bank Crest ↗ 634 656 P64 P66 S64
- West Lane Bank Crest (stop) ↙ 634 656 P64 P66 S64
- West Lane Belmont Ave (opp) ↙ 634 656 P64
- West Lane Belmont Ave (stop) ↗ 634 656 P64
- West Lane Dene Hill → 634 656
- West Lane Dene Hill (stop) ← 634 656
- West Lane Highmoor Walk → 634 656
- West Lane Highmoor Walk (stop) ← 634 656
- West Lane Oakleigh View ↗ 634 656
- West Lane Oakleigh View (adj) ↙ 634 656
- West Ln Belmont Avenue ↙ 634 656 P64 P66 S64
- West Ln Belmont Avenue (at) ↗ 634 656 P64 P66 S64
- West Ln Westleigh Drive → 634 656
- West Ln Westleigh Drive (adj) ← 634 656
Bus services
- 626 Bradford - Scholes, Wyke - Bingley/Baildon First Bradford
- 626 Bridge Street B2 - Baildon Towngate First Leeds
- 633 Shipley Glen - Bradford TLC Travel
- 634 Baildon Lucy Hall Drive - Bradford TLC Travel
- 649 Esholt - Shipley Market Square TLC Travel
- 653 Bradford - Pool TLC Travel
- 656 Baildon Lucy Hall Drive - Bradford TLC Travel
- 660 Shipley Glen - Bradford TLC Travel
- 675 Bradford - Shipley TLC Travel
- 864 Cravenlink Bradford - Malham The Keighley Bus Company
- A3 Flyer Bradford - Shipley - Guiseley - Yeadon - Leeds Bradford Airport - Pool - Otley - Weston Transdev York
- B68 Five Lane Ends - Titus Salt School The Keighley Bus Company
- P64 Baildon - Sandal PS The Keighley Bus Company
- P66 Baildon - Baildon PS The Keighley Bus Company
- S64 Baildon - Titus Salt School The Keighley Bus Company
- S65 Wrose Road - Titus Salt School The Keighley Bus Company
- S66 Baildon - Titus Salt School The Keighley Bus Company
- S67 Westfield Lane - Titus Salt School The Keighley Bus Company
- SM36 Leeds Road - Baildon - St Mary's Menston Transdev York