East Grinstead
Places in East Grinstead
Stops in East Grinstead
Map- Bell Hammer (adj) ↓ 84
- Blackwell Hollow (adj) ↙ 485
- Blackwell Hollow (opp) ↗ 485
- Blount Avenue (adj) ↙ 281
- Blount Avenue (opp) ↗ 84 281
- Broadway (Stop E) ↘ 261 270 281 291 400 409
- Brooklands Way (Stop B) ↙ 84 281
- Brooklands Way (Stop M) ↗ 84 281
- Buckhurst Way (adj) ↘ 281 291 400 485 624 638 643 648
- Chestnut Close (adj) → 281
- Chestnut Close (opp) ↙ 281
- Copse Close (opp) ↗ 281
- Coronation Road (adj) ↓ 84
- Coronation Road (opp) ↑ 84
- Court Crescent (adj) ← 281 609 646
- Court Crescent (opp) ↗ 281
- Dormans Park Road (adj) ↓ 409 624 638 643 646 648
- Dormans Park Road (opp) ↑ 409 646
- Dunning's Road (before) → 84
- East Court (adj) ← 281 400 609
- East Court (opp) ↗ 281 400 609
- East Grinstead Rail Station BBR
- East Grinstead Station (Stop A) ↑ 84 261 270 281 291 400 409 485 646
- Estcots School (o/s) ↑ 609 646
- Fairlawn Drive (adj) ← 84 281
- Fairlawn Drive (opp) → 281
- Farm Close (adj) ↓ 281
- Farm Close (opp) ↑ 281
- Felbridge Hotel (adj) ↘ 281 291 400 485 624 638 643 648
- Felbridge Hotel (opp) ↖ 281 291 400 485 624 638 643 648
- Fire Station (Stop T) ↘ 281 291 400 409 485 646
- Furzefield Road (adj) ↓ 409 646
- Furzefield Road (opp) ↑ 409 646
- Garden Wood Road (adj) ↑ 84 281
- Garden Wood Road (opp) ↓ 84 281
- Garland Road (Stop U) ↖ 84 281 291 400 409 485 646
- Glendyne Way (adj) ↓ 84
- Gwynne Gardens (adj) ↖ 84 281 291 400 485 624 638 643 648
- Halsford Green (adj) ← 84 281 291 400 485 624 638 643 648
- Halsford Green (opp) ↘ 281 291 400 485 624 638 643 648
- Harmans Mead (adj) ↖ 281
- Harmans Mead (opp) ↓ 281
- Harvest Hill (adj) → 84
- Harvest Hill (opp) ← 84
- Heathcote Drive (after) ↓ 281
- Heathcote Drive (before) ↑ 84 281
- Hermitage Road (adj) ↘ 409 646
- Hermitage Road (opp) ↖ 409 646
- Herontye Drive (adj) ↖ 261 270 281 291
- Imberhorne Lower School (o/s) ↑ 281 624 638 643 648
- Imberhorne Upper Grounds (at) ↑ 84 281 291 400 624 643
- Imberhorne Upper School (opp) ↓ 84 281
- Imberhorne Upper School (o/s) ↑ 281
- Kings Centre (adj) ↖ 485
- Kings Centre (opp) ↘ 485
- King Street (N-bound) ↑ 409
- Kipling Way (adj) → 281
- Kipling Way (opp) ← 84 281
- Lingfield Road (adj) ↘ 291 400 485
- Lingfield Road (opp) ↖ 84 281 291 400 485 624 638 643 648
- Musgrave Avenue (opp) ↓ 84
- Paddock Gardens (opp) ↑ 84
- Queen Victoria Hospital (adj) ↗ 281 400 609
- Queen Victoria Hospital (opp) ↓ 281 400 609
- Railway Approach (Stop D) ← 84 261 270 281 291 400 409 485 646
- Railway Approach (Stop G) → 84
- Railway Viaduct (after) ↘ 281
- Railway Viaduct (just before) ↖ 84 281
- Richmond Way (adj) → 84
- Sackville College (Stop K) → 261 270 281 291 400 485 609
- Sackville College (Stop L) ← 84 261 270 281 291 400 409 485 609 646
- Sackville School (opp) ← 84 261 270 281 291 409 646
- Sackville School (o/s) → 261 270 281 291
- Sandy Lane (adj) ↑ 400 485
- Sandy Lane (opp) ↓ 400 485 609 646
- Stone Quarry Estate (NW-bound) ↖ 281 400
- Stone Quarry Estate (SE-bound) ↘ 281 400
- Stuart Way (opp) → 84
- The Larches (adj) → 281 609
- The Larches (opp) ← 281 609
- The Old Dunnings Mill (opp) ↓ 84
- The Old Dunnings Mill (o/s) ↑ 84
- Trinity Methodist Church (adj) ↑ 409 646
- Trinity Methodist Church (opp) ↓ 409 624 638 643 646 648
- Turner Court (adj) ↙ 281 400 609
- Turner Court (opp) ↗ 281 400 609
- War Memorial (Stop H) → 261 270 281 291 400 409 485 609
- War Memorial (Stop J) ← 84 261 270 281 291 400 409 485 609 646
- West Hill (adj) ↘ 84
- West Hill (opp) ↖ 84
- Whitehall (adj) ↓ 84 261 270 281 291 400 409
- Whitehall (Stop P) ↑ 84 261 270 281 291 400 409 646
- Woodbury Avenue (adj) ↘ 261 270 291
- Worsted Lane (adj) ↘ 261 270 291
- Worsted Lane (opp) ↖ 261 270 291
- Yew Lane (adj) ↘ 281 291 400 485 624 638 643 648
- Yew Lane (opp) ↖ 84 281 291 400 485 624 638 643 648
Bus services
- 84 East Grinstead, High Street or Pumpkin Farm - Crawley Bus Station Metrobus
- 261 Uckfield - East Grinstead Compass Travel
- 270 East Grinstead Station - Brighton Churchill Square via HKS Metrobus
- 281 Lingfield Station - Lingfield, War Memorial Metrobus
- 291 East Grinstead, High Street - Crawley Bus Station Metrobus
- 400 Stone Quarry Estate - Caterham, Westway Common Metrobus
- 409 Lingfield, War Memorial - Warlingham Sainsbury's Metrobus
- 485 East Grinstead, High Street - Snow Hill Crossroads Metrobus
- 609 Oxted School - East Grinstead, High Street Metrobus
- 624 Imberhorne Lower School - Horley, Library Metrobus
- 638 Copthorne, Church Lane - Imberhorne Lower School Metrobus
- 643 Crabbet Park, Sedgefield Close - Imberhorne Lower School Metrobus
- 646 East Grinstead, Sackville School - Oxted, Council Offices Metrobus
- 648 Copthorne, Dukes Head - Imberhorne Lower School Metrobus
- BBR Sheffield Park - East Grinstead Bluebell Railway