Places in Westerham
Stops in Westerham
Map- Chartwell (o/s) ↓ 246
- Dunsdale Lodge (adj) ↙ 401 402W TW4
- Dunsdale Lodge (opp) ↗ 1 401 402W S7 TW4
- Farley Lane (adj) ↖ 595
- Farley Lane (opp) ↘ 595
- Force Green Lane (adj) ↓ 246 695
- Force Green Lane (opp) ↑ 246 695
- Goodley Stock Road (adj) ← 236
- Goodley Stock Road (opp) → 236 594
- Hartley Road (adj) ↓ 1 246 401 402W 594 595 695 HC1 S7 TW4
- Hartley Road (opp) ↑ 246 401 402W 594 595 695 HC1 TW4
- Mapleton Road (adj) ↓ 236 HC1
- Mapleton Road (opp) ↖ 236 HC1
- Squerryes Mede (adj) ↑ 236 594
- Squerryes Mede (opp) ↓ 236 594
- The Flyers Way (adj) ↙ 1 246 401 402W 594 595 HC1 S7 TW4
- The Flyers Way (opp) ↗ 246 401 402W 594 595 HC1 TW4
- The Green (Stop A) → 1 236 246 401 402W HC1 S7 TW4
- The Green (Stop B) ← 236 246 401 402W HC1 TW4
- The Kings Arms (adj) ← 236 594 595
- The Kings Arms (opp) → 236 594 595
- The Paddock (adj) → 595
- The Paddock (opp) ← 595
Bus services
- 1 Sevenoaks - Westerham Go-Coach Hire
- 236 East Grinstead, High Street or Lingfield, War Memorial - Oxted, Station Road East Metrobus
- 246 Bromley North - Keston - Westerham Stagecoach London
- 401 Westerham Hartley Road - Tonbridge Quarry Hill Parade Go-Coach Hire
- 402W Westerham - Weald of Kent School Arriva Kent and Surrey
- 594 Westerham, Hartley Road - Oxted, Station Road East Metrobus
- 595 Westerham, Hartley Road - Chalkpit Wood Metrobus
- 695 Oxted School - Westerham, Hartley Road Metrobus
- HC1 Sundridge - Westerham - Edenbridge - Hugh Christie Technology College Hams Travel
- S7 Sevenoaks Bus Station - Westerham Go-Coach Hire
- TW4 Westerham - Woodbury Park Road Go-Coach Hire