Crown Point Southbank B

On Meadow Lane, near Opp Bridge End, near Adelphi PH

Buses point south-west ↙

Leeds City Centre, Call Lane (Leeds)

Call Lane, Leeds City Centre closed to traffic every Friday and Saturday from 2000-0500 until Saturday 9 November 2024.

Services 2, 3, 3A, 12, 13 & 13A towards Middleton and White Rose Centre will NOT stop at Meadow Lane, stop Southbank A . Nearest stop: Asda House, stop Southbank E.

Services 51 & 52 towards Morley will NOT stop at Meadow Lane, stop Southbank B. Nearest stop: Asda House, stop Southbank E.

These services will stop additionally at Neville Street (Dark Arches) stop Station E.