Stops in Rye
Map- Ashenden Avenue (adj) ← 313 326 342
- Ashenden Avenue (opp) → 313 326 342
- Bowling Green (adj) ↓ 100 293 312 313 326 342 553
- Cadborough Cliff (adj) ↙ 313 326 342
- Cadborough Cliff (opp) ↗ 313 326 342
- Cooper Road (SW-bound) ↙ 326
- Denton Close (adj) → 326
- Harbour Road (adj) ↓ 70 100 101
- Harbour Road (opp) ↑ 70 100 101
- Henley Close (adj) ↗ 326
- King's Avenue (adj) ↗ 100 293 553
- King's Avenue (opp) ↙ 100 293 326 553
- Lion Street (adj) ↙ 326
- Military Road (adj) ↓ 293 312 313 342
- Military Road (opp) ↑ 293 312 313 326
- New Winchelsea Road North (opp 68) ↑ 70 100 101
- New Winchelsea Road North (o/s 70) ↓ 70 100 101
- New Winchelsea Road South (opp 124) ↗ 70 100 101
- New Winchelsea Road South (o/s 132) ↙ 70 100 101
- North Salts (adj) ↙ 326
- Nutley Close (adj) ↓ 326
- Pottingfield Road (N-bound) ↑ 326
- Railway Station (Stop A) ↘ 70 100 101 293
- Railway Station (Stop B) ↘ 70 100 101 553
- Railway Station (Stop C) ↘ 312 313
- Railway Station (Stop D) ↘ 312 313 326 342 553
- Rye Hill (S-bound) ↓ 293 312 313 342
- Shipyard Lane (adj) ↙ 100 293 312 313 326 342 553
- The Close (adj) → 326
- The Deals (opp) ↖ 100 293 312 313 326 342 553
- The Landgate (opp) ↗ 100 293 312 313 326 553
- Tilling Green (opp) ↑ 326
- Tillingham Bridge (adj) ↑ 70 100 101 313
- Tillingham Court (o/s) ← 326
- Udimore Road (NE-bound) ↗ 313 326 342
- Udimore Road (SW-bound) ↙ 313 326 342
- Watlands (E-bound) → 326
- Watlands (W-bound) ← 313 326 342
- Wish Street (SW-bound) ↙ 70 100 101 313
Bus services
- 70 Rye - Bexhill College Stagecoach South East
- 100 Conquest Hospital - Rye - Lydd - New Romney Stagecoach South East
- 101 Conquest Hospital - Rye Stagecoach South East
- 293 Lydd - Tenterden Homewood School Stagecoach South East
- 312 Tenterden - Rye Stagecoach South East
- 313 Northiam - Rye Harbour Stagecoach South East
- 326 Rye - Playden - Rye Rye Community Transport
- 342 Northiam - Hastings Elphinstone Road Stagecoach South East
- 553 Brookland - Rye R & J Coaches