38A - Clifton Avenue - West Kirby Station

A bus service operated by Stagecoach Merseyside and South Lancashire

Clifton Avenue - West Kirby Station

Eastham Rake, adj Clifton Avenue 18:5519:4220:4721:4722:30
Eastham Rake, adj Delamere Avenue 18:5719:4420:4921:4922:32
Eastham Rake, adj Calveley Avenue 18:5719:4420:4921:4922:32
Eastham Rake (adj) 18:5819:4520:5021:5022:33
Eastham Rake, adj Eastham Village Road 18:5919:4620:5121:5122:34
Eastham, adj Church Lane 19:0119:4820:5321:5322:36
Eastham Vicarage Row (N-bound) 19:0219:4920:5421:5422:37
Carlett Park, opp St David Road 19:0319:5020:5521:5522:38
Eastham, opp Carlett Boulevard 19:0319:5020:5521:5522:38
Eastham, opp Bridle Road 19:0419:5120:5621:5622:39
Eastham Rake, adj Mill Park Drive 19:0419:5120:5621:5622:39
Eastham Rake, opp Glenburn Avenue 19:0519:5220:5721:5722:40
Plymyard, nr Eastham Rake 19:0619:5320:5821:5822:41
Plymyard, adj Sutherland Drive 19:0619:5320:5821:5822:41
Plymyard, adj Gorsefield Avenue 19:0719:5420:5921:5922:42
Plymyard, adj Appleby Grove 19:0819:5521:0022:0022:43
Plymyard Bromborough Station (Stop D ) 19:0819:5521:0022:0022:43
Bromborough Station (Stop C ) 19:0919:5621:0122:0122:44
Bromborough, adj Brancote Gardens 19:0919:5621:0122:0122:44
Bromborough, adj Allport Road 19:1019:5721:0222:0222:45
Bromborough, adj Meadowside Road 19:1019:5721:0222:0222:45
Bromborough, adj Hawthorn Lane 19:1119:5821:0322:0322:46
Bromborough, adj Dawpool Drive 19:1219:5921:0422:0422:47
Bromborough, opp The Avenue 19:1219:5921:0422:0422:47
Bromborough Rake Station (Stop A ) 19:1320:0021:0522:0522:48
Bromborough, adj Belmont Avenue 19:1420:0121:0622:0622:49
Bromborough, opp Palatine Road 19:1520:0221:0722:0722:50
Bromborough, adj Ludlow Grove 19:1620:0321:0822:0822:51
Bromborough, adj The Cross 19:1720:0421:0922:0922:52
Bromborough, adj Mark Rake 19:1820:0521:1022:1022:53
Bromborough, adj Croft Avenue 19:1820:0521:1022:1022:53
Bromborough, opp Hardknott Road 19:2220:0921:1422:1422:57
Bromborough Pilgrims (NE-bound) 19:2320:1021:1522:1522:58
Bromborough Retail Park (In) 18:4619:2920:1621:2122:2123:04
Bromborough, in Croft Retail Park 18:4719:3020:1721:2222:2223:05
Bromborough, adj Terminus Road 18:4819:3120:1821:2322:2323:06
Bromborough, adj Eastern Avenue 18:4919:3220:1921:2422:2423:07
Bromborough Pool Village (NW-bound) 18:5219:3520:2221:2722:2723:10
Bromborough Pool New Chester Road (NE-bound) 18:5319:3620:2321:2822:2823:11
New Ferry, opp Shore Drive 18:5519:3820:2521:3022:3023:13
New Ferry, opp Willowbank Road 18:5619:3920:2621:3122:3123:14
Port Sunlight, adj Circular Drive 18:5719:4020:2721:3222:3223:15
New Ferry, adj Boundary Road 18:5819:4120:2821:3322:3323:16
Port Sunlight, adj Brook Street 18:5819:4120:2821:3322:3323:16
Bebington Station (Stop A) 18:5919:4220:2921:3422:3423:17
Higher Bebington, opp College Drive 19:0019:4320:3021:3522:3523:18
Woodhey, adj Town Lane 19:0119:4420:3121:3622:3623:19
Egerton Park, adj Kings Lane 19:0319:4620:3321:3822:3823:21
Egerton Park, opp Birkett Road 19:0419:4720:3421:3922:3923:22
Tranmere, adj Allcot Avenue 19:0519:4820:3521:4022:4023:23
Tranmere, adj Mount Road 19:0619:4920:3621:4122:4123:24
Devonshire Park, adj Stuart Road 19:0719:5020:3721:4222:4223:25
Devonshire Park, nr North Road 19:0819:5120:3821:4322:4323:26
Tranmere, adj St Catherine's Gardens 19:0919:5220:3921:4422:4423:27
Tranmere, adj Aspendale Road 19:0919:5220:3921:4422:4423:27
Tranmere, adj Whetstone Lane 19:1019:5320:4021:4522:4523:28
Tranmere, opp Maple Street 19:1119:5420:4121:4622:4623:29
Tranmere, adj Quarry Bank 19:1119:5420:4121:4622:4623:29
Birkenhead, adj Whetstone Lane 19:1219:5520:4221:4722:4723:30
Birkenhead, adj Clifton Crescent 19:1319:5620:4321:4822:4823:31
Birkenhead Bus Station (Stand 1) 19:1519:5820:4521:5022:5023:33
Birkenhead Catherine Street (Stop B) 19:1619:5920:4621:5122:5123:34
Birkenhead Park, adj Cole Street 19:1720:0020:4721:5222:5223:35
Birkenhead Park, adj St Helens Close 19:1820:0120:4821:5322:5323:36
Birkenhead Park, nr Slatey Road 19:1920:0220:4921:5422:5423:37
Birkenhead Park, nr Egerton Road 19:1920:0220:4921:5422:5423:37
Claughton, adj St Albans Road 19:2020:0320:5021:5522:5523:38
Claughton, adj Shrewsbury Road 19:2120:0420:5121:5622:5623:39
Claughton, opp Foxglove Road 19:2220:0520:5221:5722:5723:40
Claughton, opp Bidston Avenue 19:2320:0620:5321:5822:5823:41
Birkenhead, adj Flaybrick Close 19:2420:0720:5421:5922:5923:42
Birkenhead, adj Arkle Road 19:2520:0820:5522:0023:0023:43
Bidston, opp Challis Street 19:2620:0920:5622:0123:0123:44
Bidston, adj Hoblyn Road 19:2720:1020:5722:0223:0223:45
Bidston, opp Hurrell Road 19:2820:1120:5822:0323:0323:46
Bidston Village Road (adj) 19:2820:1120:5822:0323:0323:46
Bidston Station (Stop B) 19:3020:1321:0022:0523:0523:48
Moreton, opp Reeds Lane 19:3320:1621:0322:0823:0823:51
Moreton, nr Oxholme Close 19:3420:1721:0422:0923:0923:52
Moreton, adj Sedgefield Road 19:3420:1721:0422:0923:0923:52
Moreton, adj Farmfield Grove 19:3520:1821:0522:1023:1023:53
Moreton, adj Cherry Tree Road 19:3520:1821:0522:1023:1023:53
Moreton, adj Sandbrook Lane 19:3620:1921:0622:1123:1123:54
Moreton, adj Wyvern Road 19:3720:2021:0722:1223:1223:55
Moreton Glebelands Road (SW-bound) 19:3820:2121:0822:1323:1323:56
Moreton, adj Chadwick Street 19:3920:2221:0922:1423:1423:57
Moreton, adj Rosslyn Drive 19:4020:2321:1022:1523:1523:58
Moreton, adj Borrowdale Road 19:4020:2321:1022:1523:1523:58
Moreton, adj Cobham Road 19:4020:2321:1022:1523:1523:58
Moreton, opp Ely Avenue 19:4120:2421:1122:1623:1623:59
Moreton, nr Acton Lane 19:4120:2421:1122:1623:1623:59
Saughall Massie, adj Acton Lane 19:4220:2521:1222:1723:1700:00
Saughall Massie, adj Poplar Farm Close 19:4320:2621:1322:1823:1800:01
Upton, adj Kingfisher Way 19:4520:2821:1522:2023:2000:03
Saughall Massie, adj Brookside Crescent 19:4620:2921:1622:2123:2100:04
Upton, adj Girtrell Road 19:4620:2921:1622:2123:21
Saughall Massie, adj Garden Hey Road 19:4820:3121:1822:2323:23
Saughall Massie, adj Westbrook Road 19:4920:3221:1922:2423:24
Saughall Massie, adj Garden Hey Road 19:4920:3221:1922:2423:24
Carr Houses, opp Greenfield Kennels 19:5120:3421:2122:2623:26
Meols, adj Heron Road 19:5220:3521:2222:2723:27
Meols Station (Stop B ) 19:5220:3521:2222:2723:27
Meols, adj Banks Avenue 19:5320:3621:2322:2823:28
Meols, adj Bertram Drive 19:5420:3721:2422:2923:29
Sandhey, adj Bertram Drive 19:5520:3821:2522:3023:30
Hoylake Manor Road Station (Stop B) 19:5620:3921:2622:3123:31
Hoylake, adj Melrose Avenue 19:5720:4021:2722:3223:32
Hoylake, adj Alderley Road 19:5720:4021:2722:3223:32
Hoylake Station (Stop A) 19:5820:4121:2822:3323:33
Hoylake, adj Morpeth Road 20:0020:4321:3022:3523:35
West Kirby, adj Winnington Road 20:0120:4421:3122:3623:36
West Kirby, adj Graham Road 20:0120:4421:3122:3623:36
West Kirby, opp West Lodge Drive 20:0220:4521:3222:3723:37
West Kirby, adj Bridge Road 20:0320:4621:3322:3823:38
West Kirby Station (Stop A ) 20:0420:4721:3422:3923:39

West Kirby Station - Clifton Avenue

West Kirby Station (Stop B) 19:4020:5021:3722:4223:42
West Kirby, adj Lingdale Road 19:4120:5121:3822:4323:43
West Kirby, adj West Lodge Drive 19:4120:5121:3822:4323:43
West Kirby, opp Graham Road 19:4220:5221:3922:4423:44
West Kirby, opp Winnington Road 19:4320:5321:4022:4523:45
Hoylake, opp Morpeth Road 19:4420:5421:4122:4623:46
Hoylake Station (Stop B) 19:4520:5521:4222:4723:47
Hoylake, adj Alderley Road 19:4520:5521:4222:4723:47
Hoylake, adj Shaw Street 19:4620:5621:4322:4823:48
Hoylake Manor Road Station (Stop A) 19:4720:5721:4422:4923:49
Sandhey, opp Bertram Drive 19:4720:5721:4422:4923:49
Meols, opp Bertram Drive 19:4820:5821:4522:5023:50
Meols, adj Brosters Lane 19:4920:5921:4622:5123:51
Meols Station (Stop A) 19:5021:0021:4722:5223:52
Meols, adj Barn Hey Crescent 19:5121:0121:4822:5323:53
Carr Houses, o/s Greenfield Kennels 19:5121:0121:4822:5323:53
Moreton, adj Millhouse Lane 19:5321:0321:5022:5523:55
Saughall Massie, adj Acton Lane 19:5421:0421:5122:5623:56
Saughall Massie, adj Poplar Farm Close 19:5521:0521:5222:5723:57
Upton, adj Kingfisher Way 19:5521:0521:5222:5723:57
Saughall Massie, opp Brookside Crescent 19:5621:0621:5322:5823:58
Saughall Massie, adj Garden Hey Road 19:5921:0921:5623:0100:01
Saughall Massie, adj Westbrook Road 19:5921:0921:5623:0100:01
Moreton, nr Bermuda Road 20:0021:1021:5723:0200:02
Moreton, opp Meadowbrook Road 20:0121:1121:5823:0300:03
Moreton, adj Joan Avenue 20:0121:1121:5823:0300:03
Moreton, opp Rosslyn Drive 20:0121:1121:5823:0300:03
Moreton, adj Knutsford Road 20:0221:1221:5923:0400:04
Moreton, adj Carnsdale Road 20:0321:1322:0023:0500:05
Moreton, nr Sandbrook Lane 20:0421:1422:0123:0600:06
Moreton, opp Cherry Tree Road 20:0521:1522:0223:0700:07
Moreton, opp Fender View Road 20:0621:1622:0323:0800:08
Moreton, adj Hopfield Road 20:0621:1622:0323:0800:08
Moreton, opp Oxholme Close 20:0721:1722:0423:0900:09
Moreton, adj Reeds Lane 20:0821:1822:0523:1000:10
Bidston Station (Stop A) 20:1321:2322:1023:1500:15
Bidston, adj Compton Road 20:1421:2422:1123:1600:16
Bidston, adj Hurrell Road 20:1521:2522:1223:1700:17
Bidston, adj Gautby Road 20:1521:2522:1223:1700:17
Bidston, opp Egan Road 20:1621:2622:1323:1800:18
Birkenhead, nr Sumner Road 20:1621:2622:1323:1800:18
Birkenhead, adj Lansdowne Road 20:1721:2722:1423:1900:19
Claughton, opp Flaybrick Close 20:1721:2722:1423:1900:19
Claughton, adj Bidston Avenue 20:1721:2722:1423:1900:19
Claughton, nr Tollemache Road 20:1821:2822:1523:2000:20
Claughton, adj Alderley Avenue 20:1921:2922:1623:2100:21
Birkenhead Park, opp St Albans Road 20:2021:3022:1723:2200:22
Birkenhead Park, adj Ashville Road 20:2121:3122:1823:2300:23
Birkenhead Park, nr Park Road West 20:2221:3222:1923:2400:24
Birkenhead Park, opp St Hughs Close 20:2321:3322:2023:2500:25
Birkenhead Park, opp Francis Avenue 20:2321:3322:2023:2500:25
Birkenhead Park, adj Paterson Street 20:2421:3422:2123:2600:26
Birkenhead Park, adj Bentinck Street 20:2521:3522:2223:2700:27
Birkenhead Bus Station (Stand 8) 20:2821:3822:2523:3000:30
Birkenhead Catherine Street (Stop D) 20:3021:4022:2723:3200:32
Clifton Park, nr Maple Street 20:3121:4122:2823:3300:33
Tranmere, adj Elm Grove 20:3221:4222:2923:3400:34
Tranmere, adj Victoria Road 20:3321:4322:3023:3500:35
Tranmere, opp Harrowby Road 20:3321:4322:3023:3500:35
Devonshire Park, nr Elm Road 20:3421:4422:3123:3600:36
Devonshire Park, adj Prenton Road East 20:3521:4522:3223:3700:37
Tranmere, opp St Georges Avenue 20:3621:4622:3323:3800:38
Tranmere, opp Allcot Avenue 20:3721:4722:3423:3900:39
Egerton Park, adj Birkett Road 20:3821:4822:3523:4000:40
Rock Ferry, adj Woodland Road 20:3921:4922:3623:4100:41
Higher Bebington, opp Town Lane 20:4021:5022:3723:4200:42
Higher Bebington, adj College Drive 20:4121:5122:3823:4300:43
Bebington Station (Stop B) 20:4221:5222:3923:4400:44
Port Sunlight, adj Sandringham Close 20:4221:5222:3923:4400:44
New Ferry, adj Bebington Road 20:4321:5322:4023:4500:45
New Ferry, adj Beaconsfield Road 21:54
New Ferry, adj Portbury Close 21:55
New Ferry, adj Shore Drive 21:56
Bromborough Pool Village (SE-bound) 22:00
Bromborough Pool, adj Thermal Road 22:02
Bromborough, opp Crossways 22:04
Bromborough, in Croft Retail Park 22:06
Bromborough Retail Park (In) 22:07
Bromborough, adj Plantation Road 22:09
Bromborough Pilgrims (SW-bound) 22:11
Bromborough, adj Hardknott Road 22:12
Bromborough, adj Spital Road 22:14
Bromborough, adj Croft Avenue East 22:15
Bromborough, opp Stanhope Drive 22:15
Bromborough, adj The Cross 22:16
Bromborough, adj Oteley Avenue 22:17
Bromborough, adj Mark Rake 22:18
Bromborough, opp Belmont Avenue 22:19
Bromborough Rake Station (Stop B ) 22:20
Bromborough, adj The Avenue 22:20
Bromborough, adj Ashfield Road 22:21
Bromborough, adj Forwood Road 22:22
Bromborough, adj Neville Road 22:23
Bromborough, adj Allport Road 22:23
Bromborough, opp Brancote Gardens 22:23
Bromborough, adj Westminster Drive 22:24
Plymyard Bromborough Station (Stop E ) 22:25
Plymyard, adj The Woodcotes 22:25
Plymyard, adj Langfield Grove 22:26
Plymyard, adj Heygarth Road 22:26
Plymyard, adj Lyndale Avenue 22:27
Eastham Rake, adj Archers Green 22:28
Eastham Rake, adj Hatton Avenue 22:28
Eastham Rake, adj Clifton Avenue 22:29

Timetable data from Stagecoach Merseyside,

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