N5 - Hollingbury ASDA - Hardwick Road - Grenadier Hotel

A bus service operated by Brighton & Hove

Hardwick Road - Grenadier Hotel

Hangleton Hardwick Road (E-bound) 00:4501:4502:3003:30
Hangleton, adj West Blatchington School 00:4501:4502:3003:30
Hangleton Burwash Road (W-bound) 00:4601:4602:3103:31
Hangleton High Park Avenue (SW-bound) 00:4701:4702:3203:32
Hangleton Lark Hill (W-bound) 00:4801:4802:3303:33
Hangleton Northease Drive middle (SE-bound) 00:4801:4802:3303:33
Hangleton, adj Ashlings Way 00:4901:4902:3403:34
Hangleton, opp Grenadier Hotel 00:5001:5002:3503:35
Hangleton Road Shops (adj) 00:5001:50
Hangleton Road Twitten (NE-bound) 00:5001:50
Hangleton, opp St Peter's Church 00:5101:51
Hove Court Farm Road (SE-bound) 00:5101:51
Hove, adj Nevill Way 00:5201:52
Hove, adj Waitrose 00:5301:53
Hove, adj Greyhound Stadium 00:5301:53
Hove Park Tavern (S-bound) 00:5401:54
Hove, opp Coleridge Street 00:5501:55
Hove Sackville Road (Stop G) 00:5601:56
Hove George Street (Stop K) 00:5801:58
Hove Eaton Road (Stop M) 00:5801:58
Hove Town Hall (Stop C) 01:0002:00
Hove, opp Second Avenue 01:0002:00
Hove, nr Palmeira Square 01:0102:01
Hove Brunswick Place (E-bound) 01:0202:02
Brighton, opp Norfolk Square 01:0302:03
Brighton, adj Waitrose 01:0402:04
Brighton Churchill Square (Stop E) 01:0602:06
Brighton Portland Street (Stop M) 01:0702:07
Brighton North Street (Stop B) 01:0802:08
Brighton Old Steine (Stop E) 01:0902:09
Brighton St Peter's Church (Stop A) 01:1302:13
Brighton London Road Shops (Stop Z) 01:1502:15
Brighton York Hill (Stop D) 01:1502:15
Brighton Preston Circus (Stop X) 01:1602:16
Brighton Stanford Avenue (NE-bound) 01:1702:17
Brighton Beaconsfield Villas bottom (N-bound) 01:1802:18
Brighton Beaconsfield Villas middle (N-bound) 01:1802:18
Brighton, opp Lucerne Road 01:1902:19
Brighton Beaconsfield Villas Top (N-bound) 01:2002:20
Brighton, adj St Mary's Church 01:2002:20
Brighton, opp Loder Road 01:2002:20
Brighton, opp Surrenden Holt 01:2102:21
Brighton, opp Varndean College 01:2202:22
Hollingbury Braybon Avenue top (N-bound) 01:2302:23
Hollingbury, opp Greenfield Crescent 01:2302:23
Hollingbury Long Man of Wilmington (N-bound) 01:2402:24
Patcham Patchdean (N-bound) 01:2402:24
Patcham Winfield Avenue (N-bound) 01:2502:25
Patcham, opp The Ladies Mile 01:2502:25
Patcham Barrhill Avenue (N-bound) 01:2602:26
Patcham, opp Craignair Avenue 01:2602:26
Patcham, opp Sanyhils Avenue 01:2702:27
Patcham, opp Thornhill Avenue North 01:2702:27
Patcham, opp Glenfalls Avenue 01:2802:28
Patcham Braeside Avenue East End (S-bound) 01:2902:29
Patcham, opp Eskbank Avenue 01:2902:29
Patcham Mackie Avenue (S-bound) 01:3002:30
Patcham, opp Thornhill Avenue South 01:3002:30
Patcham, adj Bowling Green 01:3002:30
Patcham, adj The Ladies Mile 01:3102:31
Patcham Winfield Avenue (S-bound) 01:3202:32
Patcham Patchdean (S-bound) 01:3302:33
Hollingbury, adj Dale Drive 01:3302:33
Hollingbury, adj Carden Crescent 01:3402:34
Hollingbury, opp County Oak Avenue North 01:3402:34
Hollingbury, opp Carden Hill 01:3502:35
Hollingbury Crowhurst Road West (E-bound) 01:3502:35
Hollingbury, adj Asda Crowhurst Road 01:3602:36

Grenadier Hotel - Hardwick Road

Hollingbury, adj Asda Crowhurst Road 00:5901:4902:49
Hollingbury Crowhurst Road North (N-bound) 00:5901:4902:49
Hollingbury, adj Carden Hill 01:0101:5102:51
Hollingbury, adj County Oak Avenue North 01:0101:5102:51
Hollingbury, opp Carden Crescent 01:0201:5202:52
Hollingbury, opp Dale Drive 01:0201:5202:52
Hollingbury, adj Long Man of Wilmington 01:0301:5302:53
Hollingbury, adj Greenfield Crescent 01:0301:5302:53
Hollingbury Braybon Avenue top (S-bound) 01:0401:5402:54
Brighton, adj Varndean College 01:0501:5502:55
Brighton, adj Surrenden Holt 01:0501:5502:55
Brighton, adj Loder Road 01:0601:5602:56
Brighton, opp St Mary's Church 01:0601:5602:56
Brighton Beaconsfield Villas Top (S-bound) 01:0701:5702:57
Brighton, adj Lucerne Road 01:0701:5702:57
Brighton Beaconsfield Villas middle (S-bound) 01:0801:5802:58
Brighton Beaconsfield Villas bottom (S-bound) 01:0801:5802:58
Brighton, adj Springfield Road 01:0801:5802:58
Brighton Preston Circus (Stop H) 01:1002:0003:00
Brighton Baker Street (Stop K) 01:1002:0003:00
Brighton London Road Shops (Stop S) 01:1102:0103:01
Brighton St Peter's Church (Stop L) 01:1202:0203:02
Brighton, adj Valley Gardens 01:1302:0303:03
Brighton Old Steine (Stop H) 01:1602:0603:06
Brighton North Street (Stop Y) 01:1702:0703:07
Brighton Churchill Square (Stop B) 01:2002:1003:10
Brighton, opp Waitrose 01:2102:1103:11
Brighton, adj Norfolk Square 01:2202:1203:12
Hove Brunswick Place (W-bound) 01:2302:1303:13
Hove, adj Palmeira Square 01:2402:1403:14
Hove, adj Second Avenue 01:2502:1503:15
Hove Town Hall (Stop B) 01:2602:1603:16
Hove Eaton Road (Stop L) 01:2602:1603:16
Hove George Street (Stop F) 01:2702:1703:17
Hove Portland Road (Stop V) 01:2902:1903:19
Hove, adj Coleridge Street 01:3002:2003:20
Hove Park Tavern (N-bound) 01:3002:2003:20
Hove, opp Greyhound Stadium 01:3102:2103:21
Hove, opp Waitrose 01:3202:2203:22
Hove, opp Nevill Way 01:3302:2303:23
Hove Court Farm Road (NW-bound) 01:3302:2303:23
Hangleton, adj St Peter's Church 01:3302:2303:23
Hangleton Road Twitten (SW-bound) 01:3402:2403:24
Hangleton Road Shops (opp) 01:3502:2503:25
Hangleton, adj Grenadier Hotel 01:3602:2603:26
Hangleton, opp Library 01:3602:2603:26
Hangleton West Way Twitten (W-bound) 01:3602:2603:26
Hangleton, opp Towns Corner Shops 01:3702:2703:27
Hangleton Northease Drive west (just after) 01:3702:2703:27
Hangleton, opp Sherbourne Close 01:3802:2803:28
Hangleton Spencer Avenue (NE-bound) 01:3802:2803:28
Hangleton, before Poplar Avenue 01:3802:2803:28
Hangleton, opp Barnet Way 01:3902:2903:29
Hangleton, opp Hardwick Way 01:3902:2903:29
Hangleton Hardwick Road (E-bound) 01:4002:3003:30

Timetable data from Brighton & Hove Buses,

Brighton & Hove
