Places in Braintree
Stops in Braintree
Map- Acorn Avenue (adj) ↗ 9 9A X20 X70 170 320 370 570
- Aetheric Road (N-bound) ↑ 9 38 38A
- Aetheric Road (S-bound) ↓ 9 38 38A
- Albert Road (adj) ← X20 30 70 X70 170 320 570 HELENA1 HONYB1 SB28
- Albert Road (opp) → X20 30 70 X70 170 320 570 HELENA1 HONYB1 SB28
- Alec Hunter School (opp) ↓ 38 38A
- Alec Hunter School (o/s) ↑ 38 38A
- Anson Way (adj) ↓ 30
- Anson Way (opp) ↖ 30
- Bartram Avenue North (adj) ← X20 30 60 70 X70 170 320 570 SB28
- Bartram Avenue North (opp) → X20 30 60 70 X70 170 320 570 SB28
- Bartram Avenue South (adj) ↘ 30 38 38A
- Bartram Avenue South (opp) ↖ 30 38 38A
- Beaumont Place (adj) ↘ 30
- Beaumont Place (opp) ↖ 30
- Beckers Green Road (adj) ↖ 30
- Buchan Close (adj) ↑ 21
- Buchan Close (opp) ↓ 21
- Chapel Hill (NE-bound) ↗ 38 38A
- Chapel Hill (SW-bound) ↙ 38 38A
- Charter Way (E-bound) ↗ 38 38A
- Charter Way (W-bound) ↙ 38 38A
- Clare Road (adj) ↗ 9 9A X20 X70 170 320 370 570
- Courtauld Place (opp) ↓ 9 9A X20 X70 170 320 370 570
- Cressing Road (NW-bound) ↖ 30
- Cressing Road (SE-bound) ↘ 30
- Cumberland Close (adj) → 30
- Cumberland Close (opp) ← 30
- Dallwood Way (adj) → X20 60 70 X70 170 320 570 SB28
- Dallwood Way (opp) ← X20 60 70 X70 170 320 570 SB28
- Fisher Way (adj) ↗ 30
- Fisher Way (opp) ↙ 30
- Forsyth Drive (adj) ↓ 21
- Forsyth Drive (opp) ↑ 21
- Four Seasons (opp) → 21 38 38A
- Four Seasons (o/s) ↖ 21 38 38A
- Freeport Railway Station (Stop 1) ↘ 38 38A SB28
- Freeport Railway Station (Stop 2) ↓ 38 38A
- Gilbert Way (adj) ← 30
- Gilbert Way (opp) ← 30
- Gilda Terrace (adj) ← 133
- Gilda Terrace (opp) → 133
- Goldingham Drive (E-bound) → 21
- Goldingham Drive (W-bound) ← 21
- Great Bradfords School (opp) ↙ 30
- Great Bradfords School (o/s) ↗ 30
- Hay Lane (adj) ← X20 60 70 X70 170 320 570 HELENA1 HONYB1 SB28
- John Ray School (opp) ↓ 21
- John Ray School (o/s) ↑ 21
- Julien Court Road (adj) ↘ 9A 38 38A 60 89 133 370
- Julien Court Road (opp) ↖ 9A 38 38A 60 89 133 370
- King Georges Playing Field (opp) ↖ 30 38 38A
- King Georges Playing Field (o/s) ↘ 30 38 38A
- Kings Head (opp) → X20 30 60 70 X70 170 320 570 SB28
- Kings Head (o/s) ← X20 30 70 X70 170 320 570 SB28
- Kingsmead Park (opp) ↑ 30
- Kingsmead Park (o/s) ↓ 30
- Kings Park School (o/s) ↑ 30
- Kings Park Village (adj) → X20 30 60 70 X70 132 170 320 570 HELENA1 SB28
- Kings Park Village (opp) ← X20 30 60 70 X70 132 170 320 570 HELENA1 SB28
- Lidl (opp) ← 70 133
- Lidl (o/s) → 70 133
- Marshalls Road (adj) ↙ 9 9A X20 X70 170 320 370 570
- Mersea Fleet Way (adj) ↗ 38 38A
- Mersea Fleet Way (opp) ↙ 38 38A
- Middle King (adj) ↙ 30
- Middle King (opp) ↑ 30
- Milton Avenue (NW-bound) ↖ 21
- Milton Avenue (SE-bound) ↘ 21
- Nayling Road (adj) ← 133 HELENA1
- Nayling Road (opp) → 133 HELENA1
- Notley High School (N-bound) ↑ RAYNOT1
- Orchard Drive (adj) ↘ 21
- Orchard Drive (opp) ↖ 21
- Park Drive Ind Estate (adj) ↓ 21
- Park Drive Ind Estate (opp) ↑ 21
- Peel Crescent (adj) → 70 133
- Peel Crescent (opp) ← 70 133
- Railway Station (Stand 1) ← 9 30 38 38A 60 89
- Rutland Gardens (adj) ↖ 30
- Rutland Gardens (opp) ↘ 30
- Skitts Hill (N-bound) ↑ 21
- Skitts Hill (S-bound) ↓ 21
- Sportsman (opp) ↘ 21 38 38A
- Sportsman (o/s) ↖ 21 38 38A
- St Michael's (opp) ← 70 133
- St Michael's (o/s) → 70 133
- Stubbs Lane (adj) ↘ 38 38A
- Stubbs Lane (opp) ↖ 38 38A
- Swiss Bell (opp) ↗ 30
- Swiss Bell (o/s) ↙ 30
- Tabor High School (opp) → 9 38 38A
- Tabor High School (o/s) ↖ 9 38 38A
- Templar Road (adj) ↑ 30
- Templar Road (opp) ↓ 30
- Tesco East Store (E-bound) → X20 70 X70 170 320 570 HONYB1 SB28
- Tesco East Store (o/s) ↓ 30 60
- Tesco East Store (W-bound) ← X20 70 X70 170 320 570 HONYB1 SB28
- Thames Close (adj) ↙ 38 38A
- Thames Close (opp) ↗ 38 38A
- The Ley (adj) → 30
- The Ley (opp) ← 30
- Tortoiseshell Way (adj) ↓ 9 9A X20 64 X70 170 320 370 570
- Tortoiseshell Way (opp) ↑ 9 9A X20 64 X70 170 320 370 570
- Wheatley Avenue (opp) → X20 60 70 X70 170 320 570 HELENA1 HONYB1 SB28
Bus services
- X20 Braintree - Great Dunmow - Stansted Airport First Essex
- 21 Black Notley - Braintree - Bocking Stephensons of Essex
- 30 Marks Farm - Braintree - Beckers Green Stephensons of Essex
- 38 38A Halstead - Bocking - Braintree - Witham Stephensons of Essex
- 60 Braintree - Halstead - Sudbury Flagfinders
- 64 Sible Hedingham - Braintree - New Hall School Flagfinders
- 70 Marks Farm, Tesco - Chelmsford, Bus Stn First Essex
- X70 Chelmsford - Braintree - Colchester First Essex
- 89 Braintree - Halstead - Great Yeldham Hedingham & Chambers
- 132 Braintree - Colchester Arriva Herts and Essex
- 133 Stansted Airport - Braintree Arriva Herts and Essex
- 170 Marks Farm, Tesco - Chelmsford, Bus Stn First Essex
- 320 North Stn Forecourt - Gt Notley, Bakers Lane First Essex
- 370 Halstead, Colne Road - Chelmsford, Bus Stn First Essex
- 570 Great Dunmow Queen Victoria - Coggeshall - Colchester Norman Way First Essex
- HELENA1 Braintree - Rayne - Great Dunmow Flagfinders
- HONYB1 Braintree - Bradwell - Coggeshall Flagfinders
- RAYNOT1 Rayne - Great Notley - Braintree Flagfinders
- SB28 Stisted - Braintree Braintree Community Transport