155 - Marlow - Maidenhead

A bus service operated by Red Eagle


Marlow to Maidenhead

Lane End Simmons Way (Eastbound) 09:00
Lane End, opp Slayter Road 09:01
Lane End, adj Widdenton View 09:02
Lane End, adj Wrights Close 09:02
Lane End The Row (Southbound) 09:03
Lane End Marlow Road (SE-bound) 09:07
Marlow High Street (o/s 23) 09:11
Marlow, adj Court Garden Leisure Centre 09:1511:3013:55
Marlow Pound Lane (Westbound) 11:31
Marlow High Street (o/s 46) 09:1613:56
Marlow Terrington Hill (Eastbound) 11:37
Marlow Spittal Street (o/s 57) 09:1713:58
Marlow Queens Road (opp 52) 11:39
Marlow Sandygate Road (westbound) 11:41
Marlow, opp Foxes Piece 09:2014:00
Marlow Sunnybank (o/s 12) 11:43
Marlow Seymour Court Road (o/s 76) 11:44
Marlow Seymour Park Road (Eastbound) 11:45
Little Marlow, adj Winchbottom Lane 09:2114:01
Marlow Hillside Road (eastbound) 11:46
Little Marlow, opp Church Road 09:2214:02
Little Marlow, opp Infant School 09:2314:03
Little Marlow, adj Telephone Box 09:2514:04
Little Marlow, adj Church Road 09:2514:05
Little Marlow, opp Winchbottom Lane 09:2614:06
Little Marlow, adj Westhorpe Caravan Park 09:2914:09
Little Marlow, opp Pump Lane South 09:3014:11
Marlow Wiltshire Road (opp 62) 09:3614:16
Marlow, adj Churchill Drive 09:3714:16
Marlow Bottom Wycombe Road (Northbound) 09:3811:4714:17
Marlow Bottom, opp Patches Field 09:3914:17
Marlow Bottom, opp Post Office 09:4011:4814:18
Marlow Bottom, opp High Heavens Wood 09:4211:5214:22
Marlow Bottom, adj Badgers Way 09:4311:5214:22
Marlow Bottom, adj Squirrel Rise 09:4411:5314:24
Marlow Bottom, opp Burford School 09:4411:5414:24
Marlow Bottom, o/s Post Office 09:4611:5414:26
Marlow Bottom, o/s Patches Field 09:4611:5514:26
Marlow Bottom, adj Hill Farm Road 09:4611:5514:26
Marlow Bottom Wycombe Road (Southbound) 09:4611:5514:26
Marlow, opp Gypsy Lane 09:4714:27
Marlow, opp Churchill Drive 11:56
Marlow Hillside Road (westbound) 09:4814:28
Marlow Seymour Park Road (Westbound) 09:4914:29
Marlow Sunnybank (o/s 12) 09:5114:31
Marlow Wiltshire Road (o/s 60) 11:57
Marlow Seymour Court Road (o/s 76) 09:5214:32
Marlow Sandygate Road (westbound) 09:5314:33
Marlow Terrington Hill (Westbound) 09:57
Marlow, opp Spinfield Lane 09:59
Marlow Dean Street (o/s 48) 14:34
Marlow, adj Pound Lane 10:00
Marlow, adj Dean Street Car Park 14:34
Marlow Pound Lane (Eastbound) 10:02
Marlow High Street (o/s 23) 14:35
Marlow, adj Court Garden Leisure Centre 10:0314:37
Marlow High Street (o/s 46) 10:06
Marlow Spittal Street (o/s 57) 10:07
Marlow, opp Foxes Piece 10:08
Marlow, adj Bobmore Lane 10:10
Little Marlow Road (o/s 48) 10:1311:58
Little Marlow, adj Pump Lane South 12:00
Little Marlow, adj Winchbottom Lane 12:03
Little Marlow, opp Church Road 12:04
Little Marlow, opp Infant School 12:05
Little Marlow, adj Telephone Box 12:06
Little Marlow, adj Church Road 12:07
Little Marlow, opp Winchbottom Lane 12:08
Little Marlow, adj Westhorpe Caravan Park 12:11
Little Marlow, opp Pump Lane South 12:11
Maidenhead, adj Golden Ball Lane West 10:1812:20
Furze Platt, opp Cranbrook Drive West End 10:1912:21
Furze Platt, opp Cranbrook Drive East End 10:2012:22
Furze Platt, opp The Golden Harp 10:2112:23
Furze Platt, o/s Gringer Hill Garage 10:2112:23
Maidenhead, adj St Pirans School 12:24
Maidenhead Craufurd Rise Railway Bridge (S-bound) 10:2212:24
Maidenhead, adj St Lukes Road 10:2312:25
Maidenhead Frascati Way (Stop FA) 10:2412:26

Maidenhead to Marlow

Maidenhead Frascati Way (Stop FC) 10:3012:30
Maidenhead, opp St Lukes Road 10:3012:30
Maidenhead Craufurd Rise Railway Bridge (N-bound) 10:3012:30
Furze Platt Gringer Hill Garage (o/s 13) 10:3112:31
Furze Platt, o/s The Golden Harp 10:3212:32
Maidenhead, opp Golden Ball Lane West 10:3712:37
Marlow, opp Bobmore Lane 10:44
Marlow, adj Foxes Piece 10:45
Marlow Spittal Street (o/s 16) 10:46
Marlow High Street (o/s 23) 10:48
Marlow, adj Court Garden Leisure Centre 09:0510:4913:45
Marlow High Street (o/s 46) 09:0613:46
Marlow Spittal Street (o/s 57) 09:0713:47
Marlow, opp Foxes Piece 09:0813:48
Marlow, adj Bobmore Lane 09:1013:50
Little Marlow Road (o/s 48) 09:1013:50
Little Marlow, adj Pump Lane South 09:1012:4413:50
Little Marlow, adj Winchbottom Lane 09:1112:4513:51
Little Marlow, opp Church Road 09:1212:4613:52
Little Marlow, opp Infant School 09:1312:4713:53
Little Marlow, adj Telephone Box 09:1412:4813:54
Little Marlow, adj Church Road 09:1512:4913:55
Little Marlow, opp Winchbottom Lane 09:1612:5013:56
Little Marlow, adj Westhorpe Caravan Park 09:1912:5313:59
Little Marlow, opp Pump Lane South 09:2212:5614:02
Marlow Wiltshire Road (opp 62) 09:2613:0014:06
Marlow, adj Churchill Drive 09:2613:0014:06
Marlow Bottom Wycombe Road (Northbound) 09:2713:0114:07
Marlow Bottom, opp Patches Field 09:2713:0114:07
Marlow Bottom, opp Post Office 09:2813:0214:08
Marlow Bottom, opp High Heavens Wood 09:3213:0614:12
Marlow Bottom, adj Badgers Way 09:3213:0614:12
Marlow Bottom, adj Squirrel Rise 09:3413:0814:14
Marlow Bottom, opp Burford School 09:3413:0814:14
Marlow Bottom, o/s Post Office 09:3613:1014:16
Marlow Bottom, o/s Patches Field 09:3613:1014:16
Marlow Bottom, adj Hill Farm Road 09:3613:1014:16
Marlow Bottom Wycombe Road (Southbound) 09:3613:1014:16
Marlow, opp Gypsy Lane 09:3713:1114:17
Marlow Hillside Road (westbound) 09:3813:1214:18
Marlow Seymour Park Road (Westbound) 09:3913:1314:19
Marlow Sunnybank (o/s 12) 09:4113:15
Marlow Seymour Court Road (o/s 76) 09:4213:16
Marlow Sandygate Road (westbound) 09:4313:1714:23
Marlow Terrington Hill (Westbound) 13:21
Marlow, opp Spinfield Lane 13:23
Marlow, adj Pound Lane 13:24
Marlow Pound Lane (Eastbound) 13:26
Marlow, adj Court Garden Leisure Centre 13:30
Lane End Marlow Road (NW-bound) 13:33
Lane End Simmons Way (Eastbound) 13:40
Lane End, opp Slayter Road 13:41
Lane End, adj Tapping Road 13:42
Lane End, adj Widdenton View 13:42
Lane End, adj Wrights Close 13:43
Lane End The Row (Southbound) 13:43

Timetable data from Red Eagle/Bus Open Data Service (BODS), 19 September 2024. We’re not endorsed by, affiliated with or supported by them, and they don’t warrant the accuracy or quality of the information.

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