Places in Leicester
- Abbey Park
- Aylestone
- Beaumont Leys
- Belgrave
- Birstall
- Black Friars
- Braunstone
- Clarendon Park
- Crown Hills
- Dane Hills
- Evington
- Eyres Monsell
- Frog Island
- Glen Parva
- Goodwood
- Hamilton
- Highfields
- Humberstone
- Knighton
- Knighton Fields
- Leicester Frith
- Mowmacre Hill
- Nether Hall
- Newfoundpool
- New Humberstone
- New Parks
- North Evington
- Southfields
- South Knighton
- Spinney Hills
- Stoneygate
- Thurnby Lodge
- West Bridge
- West End
- Western Park
Stops in Leicester
Map- Abbey Gate (outside) → 14 14A 27 28 29 29A 29B 125 162
- Abbey Street (Stand BE) ↖ 20 26
- Adventist Church (outside) ↙ 48
- Alderton Close (adj) ↑ 5 5A X5 6A
- Alderton Close (opp) ↓ 5 5A X5 6 6A
- Ann Street (adj) ← 17 21 37 38 38A 56 56A 58 58A 747
- Ann Street (opp) → 21 37 38 38A 56 56A 58 58A 747
- Archer Close (adj) ← 4 4E
- Arnesby Crescent (opposite) → 88A 88E
- Avebury Avenue (adj) ↓ 74 154
- Avebury Avenue (opp) ↑ 74 154
- Avery Hill (adj) ← 148 153 158
- Avery Hill (opp) → 148 153 158
- Aylmer Road (adj) ↘ 20
- Aylmer Road (outside) ↖ 20
- Aysgarth Road (adj) ↖ 154
- Aysgarth Road (opp) ↘ 154
- Babingley Drive (adj) ↓ 25 154
- Babingley Drive (opp) ↑ 26 154
- Badminton Road (adj) ↑ 4 4E
- Badminton Road (opp) ↓ 4 4E
- Barnes Close (opp) ↓ 4 4E
- Beckingham Road (adj) ← 15 22 22A 22E 81
- Beech Drive (opposite) ↘ 51
- Bendbow Rise (outside) ↑ 18 19
- Bennett Walk (adj) ↗ 20
- Bennett Walk (opposite) ↙ 20
- Bidford Road (opp) ↘ 51
- Billington Close (adj) ↓ 54
- Billington Close (opp) ↑ 54
- Bonners Lane (Stand GH) ↖ X6 20 48 49 83 83A 84 X84 85 87 88 88A 88E 203
- Braemer Drive (adj) ↗ 4 4E 40 S832
- Braemer Drive (opp) ↓ 4 4E 40 S832
- Braunstone Avenue (before) ↘ 18 19
- Braunstone Way (adj) ← 148 153 158 ND
- Braunstone Way (opp) → 148 153 158
- Brunswick Street (adj) ↗ 21
- Brunswick Street (opp) ↙ 17 37 38 38A 56 56A 58 58A 747
- Buckminster Road (adj) ← 74 154
- Buckminster Road (opp) → 74 154
- Burdett Way (adj) ↖ 54
- Burdett Way (opp) ↘ 54
- Burnmoor Street (adj) ← 20 X84
- Burnmoor Street (opp) → 20 X84
- Butterwick House (adj) → 54
- Butterwick House (opp) ↓ 54
- Caldecote Road (opp) → 18 19
- Caldecote Road (outside) ← 18 19
- Canterbury Terrace (just after) ↘ 20
- Canterbury Terrace (outside) ↖ 20
- Cantrell Road (opposite) 51
- Causeway Lane (Stand AC) ← 20
- Causeway Lane (Stand AD) ← 50 51 HOP
- Causeway Lane (Stand AE) ← 104 148 153 158
- Causeway Lane (Stand AF) ← 13 18 19 162 303
- Causeway Lane (Stand AG) → 13 18 19 20 153 162
- Causeway Lane (Stand AH) → 50 51 104
- Chale Road (adj) ↓ 2N 2X 54
- Chale Road (opp) ↗ 2N 2X 54
- Charles Street (Stand CA) 84 X84 85
- Charles Street (Stand CB) ↓ 15
- Charles Street (Stand CC) ↓ 22 22A 22E
- Charles Street (Stand CD) ↓ 81
- Charles Street (Stand CE) ↓ 16
- Charles Street (Stand CF) ↓ 20 47 49 83 83A 87 88 88A 88E
- Charles Street (Stand CG) ↓ X3 48
- Charles Street (Stand CH) ↑ 48 81 84 X84 85
- Charles Street (Stand CJ) ↑ X3 15 16 20 22 22A 22E 31 31A X31 49 83 83A 87 88 88A 88E
- Charles Street (Stand CK) ↑ 22 22A HOP
- Charles Street (Stand CM) 15 16 20 22 22A 84 X84 85 747
- Charles Street (Stand EA) ↘ 15 16 17 22 22A 22E 81
- Charles Street (Stand EB) ↘ X3 31 31A X31 44 44A 48
- Charles Street (Stand EC) ↘ 16 17
- Charles Street (Stand EJ) ↖ X3 15 16 22 22A 22E 31 31A X31 44 44A 47 81 ND
- Churchward Avenue (adj) ← 54
- Churchward Avenue (opp) → 54
- Clarendon Park Road (after) ↓ 48 49 83 83A
- Claymill Road (adj) ↖ 21 S832
- Claymill Road (outside) ↘ 21 S832
- Cottagers Close (opposite) ← 88A 88E
- Crabtree Corner (opposite) ↓ 88A 88E
- Crafton Street East (adj) ↘ 21
- Cressida Court (outside) ↖ 13W 51
- Danbury Drive (adj) ↘ 25
- Danbury Drive (opp) ↖ 26
- Dickens Court (outside) ↖ 20
- Dunblane Avenue (adj) ↓ 4 4E 40 S832
- Dunblane Avenue (opp) ↑ 4 4E 40 S832
- Durham Drive (adj) ↓ 44
- Durham Drive (opp) ↑ 44
- Dysart Way (opp) ↙ 17 37 38 38A 56 56A 58 58A 747
- Dysart Way (Stand A) ↗ 37 58 58A 747
- Dysart Way (Stand B) ↗ 38 38A
- Ellesmere College (adj) ↘ X45 83A
- Ellesmere College (opp) ↖ X45 83A
- Elmwood Row (outside) ↓ 88A 88E
- English Martyrs School (adj) ↖ 74 S832
- English Martyrs School (opp) ↘ 74 S832
- Eskdale Road (adj) ← 154
- Eskdale Road (opp) ↘ 154
- Evington Road (N Bound) ↑ 15
- Folville Rise (outside) ↗ 104
- Football Pitches (adj) ↓ 18 19
- Fosse Road Corner (adj) ← 27 28 29 29A 29B X29 125 HH
- Fosse Road South (opp) ↖ 20
- Fulhurst Avenue (adj) ↘ 104
- Fulhurst Avenue (opp) ↖ 83A 104
- Gaddesby Avenue (adj) ↖ 20
- Gaddesby Avenue (opposite) ↘ 20
- Garland Crescent (adj) ↖ 27 28 29 29A 29B X29 125
- Garland Crescent (opp) ↘ 27 28 29 29A 29B 125
- George Street (adj) ↓ 4 4E 5 5A X5 6 6A 22A 22B 26 54 127
- George Street (opp) ↑ 4 4E 5 5A X5 6 6A 22A 22B 25 54 127
- Gilmorton Avenue (adj) ↑ X45 83 84 85
- Gilmorton Avenue (opp) ↓ X45 84 85
- Glenfield Hospital (adj) → 14A 27 28 29 29A 29B 125
- Glenfield Hospital (Main Entrance) ↑ 13W 14A 40 HH
- Glenfield Hospital (opposite) ← 27 28 29 29A 29B X29 40 125
- Glenfield Hospital (South Entrance) ← 14A
- Glossop Street (adj) → 22 22A 22E 81
- Golf Course Lane (adj) → 148 153 158
- Gooding Avenue (outside) ↓ 83A 104
- Gorse Hill (adj) → 74 154
- Gorse Hill (opp) ← 54 74 154
- Granby Street (Stand EL) ↖ HOP
- Granville Road (adj) ↖ X3 15 22 22A 22E 31 31A X31 44 44A 81
- Granville Road (opp) ↘ X3 31 31A X31 44 44A
- Gravel Street (Stand BD) ↗ 13 14 14A 18 19 25 74 154 162
- Guthridge Crescent (adj) ↖ 20
- Guthridge Crescent (opposite) ↘ 20
- Hallam Crescent East (E Bound) → 18 19
- Hallam Crescent East (NE Bound) ↗ 104
- Hallam Crescent East (SW Bound) ↙ 104
- Hallgate Drive (adj) ↗ 13W 14A 40 HH
- Hallgate Drive (opp) ↙ 14A 40 HH
- Hamelin Road (adj) ↓ 20
- Hamelin Road (outside) ↑ 20
- Hattern Avenue (adj) → 54
- Hattern Avenue (outside) ← 54
- Haymarket Bus Station (Stand BH) ↓ HOP
- Haymarket Bus Station (Stand HA) ↑ 83 83A
- Haymarket Bus Station (Stand HB) ↑ 87
- Haymarket Bus Station (Stand HC) ↑ 25 88 88A 88E
- Haymarket Bus Station (Stand HD) ↑ 56 56A 747
- Haymarket Bus Station (Stand HE) ↑ 37
- Haymarket Bus Station (Stand HF) ↑ 38 38A
- Haymarket Bus Station (Stand HG) ↑ 58 58A
- Haymarket Bus Station (Stand HH) ↑ 44 44A
- Haymarket Bus Station (Stand HJ) ↑ X3 X7
- Haymarket Bus Station (Stand HK) ↑ 31 31A X31
- Haymarket Bus Station (Stand HL) ↑ 49
- Haymarket Bus Station (Stand HM) ↑ 38 38A 47 48 88 88A 88E
- Haymarket Bus Station (Stand HN) 47 48
- Haymarket Bus Station (Stand HP) 6 6A
- Haymarket Bus Station (Stand HQ) 5 5A X5
- Haymarket Bus Station (Stand HR) 4 4E
- Haymarket Bus Station (Stand HS) 22 22A 22B
- Haymarket Bus Station (Stand HT) 21
- Haymarket Bus Station (Stand HV) 25
- Haymarket Bus Station (Stand HW) 26
- Haymarket Bus Station (Stand HY) 54
- Haymarket Bus Station (Stand HZ) 4 4E 17 21 25 26 54 88 88A 88E
- Heacham Drive (just after) ← 154
- Heacham Drive (opp) ↘ 154
- Heather Road (adj) ↑ 47 49 83 83A
- Heather Road (opp) ↓ 48 49 83 83A
- Herricks Avenue (just after) ↑ 21
- Herricks Avenue (opposite) ↓ 21
- Hockley Farm Road (opposite) ↓ 18 19
- Holmfield Avenue East (opp) ↘ 51
- Holts Close (opp) ↑ 83
- Holy Cross School (adj) ← 40 88A 88E
- Holy Cross School (opp) → 40
- Hopyard Close (opp) → 83
- Huggett Close (adj) ← 4 4E
- Humberstone Gate (Stand DA) → 58 58A
- Humberstone Gate (Stand DB) → 38 38A
- Humberstone Gate (Stand DC) → 37
- Humberstone Gate (Stand DD) → 56 56A 747
- Humberstone Gate (Stand DE) → 21
- Humberstone Gate (Stand DF) ← 21 38 38A 56 56A
- Humberstone Gate (Stand DG) ← 37 58 58A 747
- Humberstone Gate (Stand DJ) ← 17
- Humberstone Medical Centre ← 58A
- Humberstone Medical Centre (opp) 58
- Imperial Avenue (NE Bound) ↗ 83A 104
- Imperial Avenue (SW Bound) ↙ 83A 104
- Jaguar Garage (adj) ↗ X6 X45 50 51 83A X84 440
- Kashmir Road (adj) ↓ 21
- Kashmir Road (opp) ↑ 21
- Kings Lock Close (outside) → 83
- Knighton Road (adj) ↖ X3 X7 31 31A X31 HH
- Knighton Road (opp) ↘ X3 X7 31 31A X31
- Leicester College (opp) ← 20 49 83 83A X84
- Leopold Road (adj) ↗ 83 83A
- Lewisher Road (adj) ↙ 4 4E 21
- Lewisher Road (opp) ↗ 21
- Linney Road (adj) ↘ 25
- Linney Road (opp) ↖ 26
- Linwood Lane (adjacent) → 88A 88E
- Little Wood Close (adj) ↙ 54
- Little Wood Close (opp) ↗ 54
- Lockhouse Close (opp) ← 83
- Lomond Crescent (adj) ↗ 25
- Lomond Crescent (opp) ↙ 26
- Lotus Road (adj) ← 58A
- Lutterworth Road (just after) ← 83
- Madras Road (adj) ↗ 37 38 38A 56 56A 58 58A 747
- Madras Road (opp) → 21
- Manitoba Road (adj) ↑ 21
- Manitoba Road (opp) ↓ 21
- Meadwell Road (opp) 51
- Medical Centre (opposite) ↖ 83A
- Medical Centre (outside) ↘ 83A
- Medina Road (adj) → 27 28 29 29A 29B 125 HH
- Meynell's Gorse Park and Ride (inside) ↘ 103
- Milton Crescent Footpath (adj) ↘ 74 S832
- Milton Crescent Footpath (opp) ↖ 74 S832
- Milverton Avenue (adj) ← 154
- Milverton Avenue (opposite) → 154
- Minster Crescent (adj) → 154
- Minster Crescent (opp) ← 154
- Nelson Mandela Park (Stand GC) ↓ X6 49 ND
- Nelson Mandela Park (Stand GD) ↓ 20 47 88 88A 88E
- Nelson Mandela Park (Stand GE) ↓ 83 83A 84 X84 85 87 HOP
- New Fields Avenue (NE Bound) ↗ 104
- New Fields Avenue (SW Bound) ↙ 104
- Northcote Road (N Bound) ↑ 44 44A
- Oakland Avenue (adj) ↑ 5 5A X5 6 6A
- Oakland Avenue (opposite) ↓ 5 5A X5 6 6A
- Orchard Street (Stand BF) ↑ 4 4E 5 5A X5 6 6A 22A 22B 25 54 127
- Orchard Street (Stand BG) ↓ 4 4E 5 5A X5 6 6A 22A 22B 26 54 127
- Owen Close (adj) → 4 4E
- Parker Drive (opposite) ← 54
- Parvian Road (adj) ↓ 44
- Parvian Road (opp) ↑ 44
- Peebles Way (adj) ↓ 4 4E 40 S832
- Peebles Way (opp) ↑ 4 4E 40 S832
- Pocklingtons Walk (Stand EQ) ↖ 20 48 49 83 83A 84 X84 85 87 88 88A 88E
- Prebend Street (adj) ↘ 15 22 22A 22E 31 31A X31 44 44A 48 81
- Prebend Street (opp) ↖ 15 22 22A 22E 31 31A X31 44 44A 47 81 HH
- Priestley Road (opposite) ↑ 20
- Rail Station (Stand EE) ↘ 31 31A X31 44 44A
- Rail Station (Stand EF) ↘ 15 22 22A 22E 81
- Rainsford Crescent (adj) ↓ 54
- Rainsford Crescent (opp) ↑ 54
- Rancliffe Crescent (adj) ↖ 20
- Raw Dykes Road (adj) ↑ 48 84 85 87 88 88A 88E
- Rayner Road (adj) ↗ 21
- Rayner Road (opp) ↙ 4 4E 21
- Red House Road (adj) ↓ X45 84 85
- Red House Road (opp) ↑ X45 84 85
- Reynolds Place (adj) → 18 19
- Rockley Road (adj) ← 154
- Rockley Road (opp) → 154
- Roseway (adj) ↘ 4 4E 40 S832
- Roseway (opp) ↖ 4 4E 40 S832
- Rossett Drive (outside) → 25
- Rowley Fields Avenue (adj) ↙ X6 13W X45 50 51 83A X84 440
- Royal Infirmary Hospital (Stand GF) ↖ 20 48 49 83 83A 84 X84 85 87 88 88A 88E HH
- Royal Infirmary Hospital (Stand GG) ↖ HH
- Rutland Street (Stand EK) ↙ X6 20 47 49 83 83A 84 X84 85 87 88 88A 88E
- Saffron Hill Cemetery (opposite) → 40
- Saffron Hill Cemetery (outside) ← 40 88A 88E
- Sainsbury's (adj) ↓ 5 5A X5 6 6A
- Sainsbury's (opp) ↗ 5 5A X5 6 6A
- Savoy Street (Stand BA) ↖ 303
- Savoy Street (Stand BC) ↖ HOP
- Sawday Street (adj) ↑ 20 48 49 83 83A 84 85 87 88 88A 88E
- Saxby Street (opp) ↑ X3 15 22 22A 22E 31 31A X31 44 44A 47 81 HH
- Saxby Street (Stand A) ↓ X3 31 31A X31 44 44A
- Saxby Street (Stand B) ↘ 15 22 22A 22E 81 HH
- Shearer Close (outside) ↙ 4 4E
- Silverstone Drive (adj) ↑ 4 4E
- Snow Hill (opposite) ↖ 74 154
- Soar Lane (adj) ↖ 14 14A 27 28 29 29A 29B X29
- Soar Lane (opp) ↘ 14 14A 27 28 29 29A 29B
- Soar Valley College (adj) ↖ 4 4E 40 S832
- Soar Valley College (opp) ↘ 4 4E 40 S832
- Somerset Avenue (adj) ↓ 25 154
- Somerset Avenue (opposite) ↑ 26 154
- Somerset Avenue (outside) ↘ 25
- Southgates (Stand FE) ↘ HOP
- Station Street (Stand ED) ↘ X3 X7 48 HH
- Station Street (Stand EG) ↖ X3 X7 15 22 22A 22E 31 31A 44 44A 47 81 HOP ND
- St Ives Road (adj) ↓ 4 4E 21
- St Ives Road (opp) ↑ 21
- St Margaret's Bus Station (Stand SB) N02 005 079 900
- St Margaret's Bus Station (Stand SC) 127
- St Margaret's Bus Station (Stand SD) 125
- St Margaret's Bus Station (Stand SE) 154
- St Margaret's Bus Station (Stand SF) 74
- St Margaret's Bus Station (Stand SG) 14 14A
- St Margaret's Bus Station (Stand SH) 13 162
- St Margaret's Bus Station (Stand SJ) 27 28
- St Margaret's Bus Station (Stand SK) 29 29A 29B X29
- St Margaret's Bus Station (Stand SL) 18 19
- St Margaret's Bus Station (Stand SM) 153
- St Margaret's Bus Station (Stand SN) 148 158
- St Margaret's Bus Station (Stand SP) 50 51
- St Margaret's Bus Station (Stand SQ) 104
- St Margaret's Bus Station (Stand SR) ND
- St Margaret's Bus Station (Stand SS) 84 85
- St Margaret's Bus Station (Stand ST) X84
- St Margaret's Bus Station (Stand SU) 2N 2X X6 20 21
- St Margaret's Bus Station (Stand SV) SKY
- St Margaret's Bus Station (Stand SX) 13 14 14A 18 19 74
- St Margaret's Bus Station (Stand SY) N17 150 151 180 183 195 196 230 240 440 777 B12 CFC G45 GM9 GN4 L5 LV6 MC4 NB1 NW5 S7 T53 W25
- St Margaret's Bus Station (Stand SZ) X45 ND
- St Nicholas Circle (Stand FA) → 13 18 19 20 50 51 104 148 153 158 162 HH
- St Nicholas Circle (Stand FB) ↘ 13 18 19 20 50 51 148 153 158 162 HH
- St Nicholas Circle (Stand FC) ↘ 103 HOP
- St Nicholas Circle (Stand FD) ↘ 104 203 ND
- St Peter's Lane (Stand AA) ↙ 20 50 51 104 148 153 158 HOP
- St Peter's Lane (Stand AB) ↙ 13 18 19 162 303
- St Peter's Lane (Stand AK) ↗ 13 18 19 20 50 51 104 148 153 158 162
- Strathmore Avenue (adj) → 4 4E 40 S832
- Strathmore Avenue (opp) ← 4 4E 40 S832
- St Stephens Road (adj) → 15 22 22A 22E 81
- St Stephens Road (opp) ← 15 22 22A 22E 81
- St Theodores Church (outside) ↑ 4 4E
- Sun Way (adj) ↖ 13W 51
- Sun Way (opp) ↘ 51
- TA Centre (adj) ↑ 47 49
- TA Centre (opposite) ↓ 48 49
- The Blackbird (opp) → 74 154
- The Blackbird (outside) ← 74 154
- The Roundway (adj) → 21
- The Roundway (N Bound) ↑ 21 S832
- The Roundway (opposite) ↑ S832
- The Roundway (outside) ↓ 21
- The Roundway (S Bound) ↓ 21 S832
- Thorpe Street (adj) ↗ 18 19 20 50 51 104 162
- Thurmaston Boulevard (adj) ↖ 40 S832
- Thurmaston Boulevard (opp) → 4 4E 40 S832
- Thurmaston Lane (adj) ↓ 21
- Thurmaston Lane (NE Bound) ↗ 21
- Tigers Way (outside) ↓ 49 83 83A
- Tower Street (Stand GA) ↓ 20 49 84 X84 85 88 88A 88E HOP
- Tower Street (Stand GB) ↓ 47 83 83A ND
- Town Hall Square (Stand ER) ↗ X6 20 83 83A 84 X84 85 88 88A 88E
- Trevino Drive (opp) ↑ 4 4E
- University (adj) ↙ 48
- University (opp) ↗ 47
- University Road (adj) ↘ 48 49 83 83A
- University Road (N Bound) ↗ 47
- Valence Road (adj) ← 20
- Valence Road (outside) → 20
- Walnut Street (adj) ↑ X6 20 48 49 83 83A 84 X84 85 87 88 88A 88E 203
- Walnut Street (E Bound) → 20 X84
- Welford Place (Stand EM) ↙ 84 X84 85 87
- Welford Place (Stand EN) ↓ 47 49 83 83A 88 88A 88E HOP
- Welford Place (Stand EP) ↓ X6 20 ND
- Westbury Road (adj) ↖ 47 49
- Westover Road (adj) ↖ 13W 51
- Westover Road (opp) ↘ 51
- Wheatley Road (adj) → 54
- Wheatley Road (opp) ← 54
- Wiltshire Road (adj) ↘ 25 154
- Wiltshire Road (opp) ↖ 26 154
- Windermere Street (adj) → X6 20 X84
- Windermere Street (opp) ← X6 20 X84
- Windley Road (adj) → 40
- Windley Road (opp) ← 40
- Woodshawe Rise (opposite) ↓ 18 19
- Wyatt Close (adj) ↙ 51 148 153 158
- Wyatt Close (opp) ↗ 148 153 158
- Wyggeston QE College (adj) ↙ 48
- Wyggeston QE College (opp) ↗ 47
- Wyvern Arms (opp) ↙ 4 4E 21 40 S832
- Wyvern Arms (outside) ↗ 4 4E 21 40 S832
Coach and bus services
- 2N 2X Loughborough - Leicester Central Connect
- N02 London - Heathrow - Nottingham - Sheffield - Leeds - Bradford FlixBus
- X3 Leicester - Market Harborough Arriva Midlands
- 4 4E Haymarket Bus Stn - Haymarket Bus Stn First Leicester
- 5 Leicester - Melton Mowbray Arriva Midlands
- 005 London - Leicester FlixBus
- 5A Leicester - Melton Mowbray Arriva Midlands
- X5 Leicester - Melton Mowbray Arriva Midlands
- 6 Leicester - Thurmaston Arriva Midlands
- 6A Leicester - Thurmaston Arriva Midlands
- X6 Leicester - Coventry Arriva Midlands
- X7 Northampton - Market Harborough - Market Harborough - Market Harborough - Leicester Stagecoach Midlands
- 13 St Margaret's Bus Station - New Parks - Glenfield, The Square First Leicester
- 13W Braunstone Gate, Narborough Road - Braunstone Lane - Optimus Point, Kirby Road First Leicester
- 14 St Margarets Bus Stn - St Margarets Bus Stn First Leicester
- 14A St Margarets Bus Stn - St Margarets Bus Stn First Leicester
- 15 Charles Street - East Park Road - Goodwood First Leicester
- 16 Charles Street - Highfields - General Hospital First Leicester
- 17 Haymarket Bus Station - Highfields - Haymarket Bus Station First Leicester
- N17 Leicester - Tottenham Hotspur Stadium National Express
- 18 St Margarets Bus Stn - St Margarets Bus Stn First Leicester
- 19 St Margarets Bus Stn - St Margarets Bus Stn First Leicester
- 20 Leicester City Centre - Blackmore Drive Centrebus (North)
- 20 Leicester City - Blackmore Drive Central Connect
- 21 Haymarket Bus Station - Thurmaston, Blount Road via St Matthews and Catherine Street First Leicester
- 21 Leicester City - St Matthews Estate Central Connect
- 22 Leicester City Centre - Evington Centrebus (North)
- 22A Barrow upon Soar & Birstall - Leicester City Centre & Evington Centrebus (North)
- 22B Haymarket Bus Station - Birstall via Belgrave, Loughborough Road First Leicester
- 22E Leicester City Centre - Evington Centrebus (North)
- 25 Haymarket Bus Stn - Haymarket Bus Stn First Leicester
- 26 Haymarket Bus Stn - Haymarket Bus Stn First Leicester
- 27 Leicester - Ratby Arriva Midlands
- 28 Leicester - Coalville Arriva Midlands
- 29 Leicester - Coalville - Ashby - Swadlincote Arriva Midlands
- 29A Leicester - Coalville - Ashby - Swadlincote Arriva Midlands
- 29B Leicester - Coalville - Ashby - Swadlincote Arriva Midlands
- X29 Leicester - Amazon Arriva Midlands
- 31 Leicester - Oadby Arriva Midlands
- 31A Leicester - Oadby Arriva Midlands
- X31 Leicester - Great Glen Arriva Midlands
- 37 Leicester - Thurnby Lodge Arriva Midlands
- 38 Haymarket Bus Stn - Haymarket Bus Stn First Leicester
- 38A Haymarket Bus Stn - Haymarket Bus Stn First Leicester
- 40 Leicester - orbital Centrebus (North)
- 44 Leicester - South Wigston Arriva Midlands
- 44A Leicester - Wigston Magna Arriva Midlands
- X45 Thurmaston - Magna Park Arriva Midlands
- 47 Leicester - South Wigston - Wigston Magna Arriva Midlands
- 48 Leicester - Wigston Magna - South Wigston Arriva Midlands
- 49 Leicester - Wigston Magna - Fleckney Arriva Midlands
- 50 Leicester - Narborough Arriva Midlands
- 51 Leicester - Braunstone Lane Arriva Midlands
- 54 Haymarket Bus Station - Abbey Lane - Beaumont Leys Centre First Leicester
- 56 Leicester - Scraptoft - Thurnby Arriva Midlands
- 56A Leicester - Thurnby - Scraptoft Arriva Midlands
- 58 Leicester - Hamilton Arriva Midlands
- 58A Leicester - Hamilton Arriva Midlands
- 74 St Margaret's Bus Station - Beaumont Leys Centre - Anstey, Hollow Road First Leicester
- 079 Manchester - Leicester FlixBus
- 81 Leicester City Centre - Evington Centrebus (North)
- 83 Aylestone - Leicester City Centre Centrebus (North)
- 83A Newfoundpool & Aylestone - Leicester City Centre Centrebus (North)
- 84 Leicester - Blaby - Cosby - Lutterworth Arriva Midlands
- X84 Leicester - Lutterworth - Rugby Arriva Midlands
- 85 Leicester - Countesthorpe Arriva Midlands
- 87 Leicester - Eyres Monsel Arriva Midlands
- 88 Haymarket Bus Stn - Haymarket Bus Stn First Leicester
- 88A Haymarket Bus Stn - Haymarket Bus Stn First Leicester
- 88E Haymarket Bus Stn - Haymarket Bus Stn First Leicester
- 103 Meynell's Gorse PR - City Roberts Travel
- 104 Leicester - Fosse Park Arriva Midlands
- 125 Castle Donington - Leicester Diamond Bus East Midlands
- 127 Leicester - Loughborough - Shepshed Arriva Midlands
- 148 Nuneaton - Coventry or Leicester Stagecoach Midlands
- 150 Nottingham - Birmingham National Express
- 151 Grimsby - Birmingham National Express
- 153 Market Bosworth - Leicester Arriva Midlands
- 154 Leicester - Loughborough Centrebus (North)
- 158 Leicester - Nuneaton Arriva Midlands
- 162 Leicester City Centre - Park Rise Centrebus (North)
- 180 Glasgow - Birmingham National Express
- 183 Glasgow - Birmingham National Express
- 195 Leeds - Leicester National Express
- 196 Leicester - Derby National Express
- 203 Enderby PR - City Roberts Travel
- 230 Derby - Gatwick Airport (South) National Express
- 240 Leeds - Heathrow Airport (T5) National Express
- 303 Birstall PR - City Roberts Travel
- 440 London - Derby National Express
- 747 Leicester - Uppingham Centrebus (North)
- 777 Birmingham - Stansted Airport National Express
- 900 Nottingham - Heathrow FlixBus
- B12 Derby - Boomtown Fair National Express
- CFC Leicester - Cheltenham Festival CP National Express
- G45 Loughborough - Glastonbury Festival National Express
- GM9 Nottingham - Green Man Festival National Express
- GN4 Leicester - Aintree Embankment National Express
- HH Hamilton - Leicester Hospitals & Beaumont Leys Centrebus (North)
- HOP Leicester - City Centre Circular Centrebus (North)
- L5 Birmingham - Leeds Festival National Express
- LV6 Leicester - Lost Village Festival National Express
- MC4 Leicester - Heaton Park, Manchester National Express
- NB1 Priory Way / Southall, Norwood Green - St Margaret's Bus Station, Leicester New Bharat Coaches (Southall, London)
- ND New Lubbesthorpe - Leicester Central Connect
- NW5 Warrington (Victoria Park) - Leicester National Express
- S7 Nottingham - Silverstone Race Circuit National Express
- S832 Thurmaston - English Martyrs School Centrebus (North)
- SKY skylink Derby Leicester - Loughborough - East Midlands Airport - Derby Kinchbus
- T53 Nottingham - Allianz Stadium, Twickenham National Express
- W25 Leicester - Wembley Stadium National Express